[hider=The Conclusion to Ava vs. Lyall][color=red]"Very well,"[/color] Ava said, drawing the top card of her deck. Just the card she wanted to see at a time like this. [color=red]"First I activate the trap card in my graveyard; Breakthrough Skill. This time, however, I will be targeting your Evilswarm Ophion."[/color] The card moved from Ava's graveyard as a semi-transparent shard similar to the one that had struck Kerykeion just earlier dug itself into Ophion's back. [color=red]"Now with my summoning unrestricted, I activate the effect of Plaguespreader Zombie in my graveyard."[/color] Sending a card in her hand to the top of her deck, Ava explained [color=red]"This monster refuses to die even when killed, and for a single card, he'll have his second chance."[/color] Afterwards, the image of Plaguespreader appeared on the field. He was again in a defensive posture. [color=red]"And now for the turnaround of this duel. I activate the spell card Polymerization. By fusing the Plaguespreader Zombie on my field, and the Zombie Master in my hand, I summon the ultimate monster. Rise from the depths, soul-stealer, Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon!"[/color] [i][color=yellow]Finally...[/color][/i] The image of a dragon's clawed hand reached out from beneath, gripping the ground and pulling forth the rest of the dragon with it. Dragonecro Nethersoul Dragon. After it did so, however, it's eyes began glowing a bright yellow. Observers who paid attention could probably notice a similar glow from beneath Ava's eyepatch. Shit just got real. [color=red]"Now, Dragonecro, commence the attack! Target Evilswarm Ophion!"[/color] "I don't think I'll be letting anything happen to my dragon," Lyall exclaimed as he stretched out his left hand towards the field. One of the two set cards on the field slowly rose upwards to reveal a trap card. "Compulsory Evacuation Device!" As the giant Netherdragon stretched out its deadly claws to kill Ophion, Evilswarm Kerykeion dashed in front of its ally and forcefully clashed its staffs together, producing a vortex of dark power that stopped the demon right in its flight. Kerykeion's eyes glowed a powerful red as it pushed forward with its entire body, causing the energy to release a powerful, outward force that sent Dragonecro roaring angrily back to Ava's extra deck. "So that's what you had in there," Lyall said, near threateningly. He somewhat understood now why Kerykeion had told Lyall not activate his set Pandemic to protect Ophion from the graveyard trap; the Nether dragon was apparently something it wanted Lyall to see. For what though, he didn't know. "Seems like you used up all your resources up bringing out that... parasite..." Kerykeion floated over to its summoner's side and pointed his attention to his left hand. Oh? Looks like the crest was glowing. No wonder things had suddenly seemed a lot more hostile with the duel. He wondered if Ava... nah, he made sure he got rid of those kind of people in his city a long time ago. Oh well, even if she was, he'd make sure he'd finish her off by turning her own game against her. "Anything else? I think my monsters are more eager to get at your lifepoints now with this little stunt!" Ava's eyes widened. This...did not go at all as she'd planned it. Maybe that detour was a good idea after all. Swallowing down the tension in her threat, Ava said [color=red]"I...end my turn."[/color] Lyall wordlessly drew his next card but didn't even bother to look at it. Ava was wide open for an attack, and with Kerykeion, Sting, and Ophion on the field, they had just enough power to bring her life points down to 0. "Remember," Kerykeion said, "If you reduce her lifepoints to 0 with a Shadow Duel up, you'll be taking her life with them." "I'm aware, but considering the previous turn and her current expression I'm pretty sure she had that in mind for me as well!" The monster nodded and faced Ava again. "Kerykeion, Sting, Ophion.... finish this." Raising its staffs, Kerykeion harnessed its own power and that of Sting's and began tranferring them to Ophion. The dragon roared proudly as it felt itself become filled with even more power, and in one stream of icy breath from its jaws, it brought Ava's lifepoints down to zero.[/hider]