[h1] Descriptions of the Three Starting Locations for the Roleplay [/h1] So we're gonna be starting in three different places due to the high volume of members. The following is a description of the three cities where we will start. Once the rp starts, characters may spread out to anywhere in Tithe (save Ignion): [b]Location One: Capital City [/b] Capital City is a huge city roughly octagonal in shape. The city is surrounded by a very old roughly octagonal yellowed stone wall that is in the process of being repaired. There are six gates into the city, one large one in each cardinal direction large enough for wagons and large caravans (like Doraki traders), as well as two small gates big enough for one or two people to pass through at a time. Inside, the city is divided into several neighborhoods which don't have names in my mind and I'm not gonna think of one for them. Generally houses to the north are smaller than houses to the south, which are large mansions where many of the senators live. Most of the houses are timber with red shingles. The smaller houses in the north are in row form, while the larger houses to the south are single-family-style. The castle is in the exact center of the city, and resembles the Kremlin, with a whole lot of really tall minarets with domes on the tops. Many of the characters will be in a tavern known as The Snorting Dragon adjacent to the northern gate. It's your typical medieval porthouse, serving ale, port, whiskey, and a very selective variety of foods (primarily steak and sausage). Outside of the tavern to the south is a large market square where a variety of vendors are selling their wares. [b]Location Two: Maceron[/b] Maceron is a city a little smaller than Capital City, and is located in Talbor. The city is rigidly square, with high walls of stone supported by steel beams. From the outside it looks incredibly ominous and foreboding, as wooden palisades tipped in metal line the walls and black smoke from the ironworks floats up into the sky, forming a black cloud above the city. There are three entrances to the city, one to the south, one to the east, and one to the west, all of which are wide and protected by palisades when someone isn't going through them. Ballistas sit at strategic points along it and watchtowers burn smoke signals into the sky. The inside of the city is all brick and mortar, with geometrically perfect cobblestone streets and row houses made of brick or grey stone. Inside of the walls, near the center of the city, is a large hill surrounded by a second stone wall. Behind this wall is an enormous castle of grey stone in distinctly English style, with thick turrets and ballistas at the top of each tower. The entire northeastern section of Maceron is the Ironworks, an enormous and extensive series of factory-like buildings where the city mass-produces steel. [b]Location Three: Juvegol[/b] Juvegol is the smallest of the three cities, and sits on the bank of the Frost River, a river canyon that snakes its way across the north, making a border between the Northlands and the Wilderness. Juvegol is built around a large and wide stone bridge across the river, making the only manmade bridge across it. It is a drawbridge, and is able to be lowered into the canyon or raised to create a walkway. The city is roughly semicircular in shape, with new-looking stone walls that zigzag around the perimeter not bordered by the river. A little bit of the city is on the other side of the river, but these are only a few taverns and the houses of some woodsmen and peasant farmers. There are three gates in the walls, one large one to the north and two small ones, one to the northeast and one to the northwest. The buildings in Juvegol are mainly timber with thatch roofs. The city's keep is not in the center, but offset to the right, near one of the walls. It is generally square-shaped and tall, with not many turrets or towers. The main action will be taking place at the market square by the river, where on the other side of the river some visitors are arriving. [b][color=gold] Maxx is currently working on the IC opener, and thus will not be available for the rest of the night. If you are trying to contact him, please wait until tomorrow unless it is urgent.[/color][/b]