Merlin was caught a little off guard at Geni's question. Yes, he was overly proficient with the uses of Dust, but he had never thought about teaching people about it. Merlin stopped devouring chicken sandwich number 3, smiled at Geni, and said, [color=ed1c24]"It's actually quite simple. The powdered form of Dust, that most Hunters use, is actually quite unstable and activates to almost any sharp movement,"[/color] He stopped for a moment to take a swig of his milk, [color=ed1c24]"Just the other day, I heard a rumor about two girls that had a disagreement on the first day of school. One of the girls accidentally let some Burn Dust loose, and the other girl sneezed. The result was a small crater on school grounds,"[/color] Another milk pause, [color=ed1c24]"Moving on, If you really want to use Dust in the method that I use, I will help modify your weapon to utilize it. I think you might benefit from using specialized Dust bullets though. You know the type my opponent, Ivan, used? It costs a lot less than my method, and greatly increases the amount of options you have during combat."[/color] He said with a smile. Merlin was earnest in his offer to help modify Geni's weapon, but he wasn't quite sure if he wanted to give him all of Deep Magic's tricks. He liked Geni, but he hasn't come to trust him quite yet. Merlin soon began devouring his food again, but then suddenly stopped. He could hear Ivan in the background calling him an 'amateur-hour stage magician'. Even though Merlin knew it was just a way to make his former opponent feel better about the match, but he couldn't help but take it personally. [color=ed1c24]"If only he knew my old profession, hehehe. Next time I face him, I will worry less about the audience and solely focus on destroying the wall of self confidence he has oh-so-carefully built."[/color] He said to Geni with an almost devilish smile. No one insults his ability as a magician, no one. After a few more brief moments of silent brooding, Merlin's normal smile returned to his face and he began to inhale what was left on his plate.