[center][b][h1]| Kevin Rose |[/h1][/b][/center] [center][img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/300/2/d/smuggler_captain_by_buashei-d6rw8ns.png[/img][/center] [u][b]Criminal?:[/b] [/u] Yes [u][b]Convicted for:[/b][/u] Three counts of possession of illegal firearms and too many counts of drug trafficking and distribution [u][b]Species:[/b][/u] Human & Proud [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Sexual orientation:[/b][/u] Heterosexual [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 29 [u][b]Weapons:[/b][/u] Carries a .357 Magnum [url=http://www.defensereview.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/Rhino_Revolver_Black_5-inch_Barrel_Chiappa_Firearms_1.jpg]Rhino 50DS[/url] w/ Armor Piercing Rounds & a [url=http://media.moddb.com/images/mods/1/4/3645/15083.gif]Masamune Plasma Knife[/url] (a regular hunting knife, however with the press of a button becomes superheated and can cut through things as tough as titanium). [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [list] [*] Augmented eyes -- can zoom in slightly, can activate nightvision, increased accuracy, thermal vision, and so forth [*] Cybernetic implants on his calf, bicep, quadricep, and thigh muscles. When these muscles are tired the implants kick them into an "overdrive" of sorts, injecting them with adrenaline and aiding them allowing for enhanced strength and running when needed. [/list] [u][b]Personal starfighter:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]Chemistry [/b]- Because of Rose's background in drugs he has extensive knowledge about chemicals and the chemistry behind them. For example he knows what to chemicals to mix to make a mustard nitrogen explosion and what chemicals to mix to make a hydroelectric acid to dissolve a body. This includes the ability to be able to easily identify chemicals and know what they do. [*] [b]Gunplay[/b]- Sleazy crime required Rose to know how to properly use a gun. Rose is no prodigy marksman, but when staring down an iron sight he can hit most things with respectable ease. [*] [b]Navigation / Steering[/b] Rose's trafficking has taken him all over the galaxy and as a result he knows his way around. He commonly steered "borrowed" Freight ships but has had experiences with all kind of ships. [/list] [u][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/u] Rose is attempting to "cleanse" himself of his coke addiction. As one might imagine the withdrawal symptoms cause major drawbacks. Headaches, fatigue, etc. [u][b]Powers:[/b][/u] N/A [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Rose is very charismatic and charming; some people say he has a way with words. He loves to show people a fun time and can party like no one else. However, when the need arises he can be the brutal and ruthless Kingpin that he is -- showing no mercy whatsoever. It has sometimes been said that it bears an uncanny resemblance to a personality disorder, however this is not the case. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Born to a poor family in the slums, Rose grew up in what was known as the Iron Jungle. It was an extremely industrialized city, with thick black coal and oil fumes permeating the air. In the Iron Jungle men would march to their work in coal mines or factories and come back covered in soot. It was in the underbelly of this city that Rose made his worth. Rose's family's economic standing got him involved with the wrong crowd fast. Wealthy businessmen would supply dealers with psychedelics and other drugs to sell on the streets for a quick dime. It didn't take long for Rose to get wrapped up in all of this; at the age of eleven he had sold his first bag of shrooms. However, his family was a broken home. His father had been killed in a drive-by shooting when he was only five, and his mother had been diagnosed with Osteosis (a form of joint paralysis) disabling her ability to work when he was fifteen. This forced Rose to turn his drug dealing hobby into a job. His rise to the top was a dirty one, even for a drug dealer. Double crossed deals, unsolved murders, and police informants all helped him gather enough influence to become the Kingpin that he was leading up to his arrest. He would employ many maneuvers to make the most profit possible. But he made a crucial mistake that dealers know never to make: he got addicted to his own product. After he got addicted to coke, it all went downhill from there. His addiction spiraled out of control until eventually he got caught in public high out of his mind. One thing led to another and the police officers on duty realized he was the highly wanted Jack Rose -- Kingpin of the Iron Jungle.