[b]Character name:[/b] Magnus Blackclaw [b]Criminal?:[/b] Yes [b]Convicted for:[/b] Seventythree counts of murder in the first degree, possession of illegal weapons, property damage in excess of 8.9 billion, conspiracy to cause mass fatalities, facilitating the production of improvised explosives, eight counts of murdering a member of the security services, grand theft auto, resisting arrest and two hundred counts of assault with intent to cause serious injury or death. [b]Species:[/b] Mesocricetian. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual orientation:[/b] Straight. [b]Age:[/b] 15, 35 in human years. [b]Appearance:[/b] Magnus is a long haired Mesocricetian, meaning that the fur covering his body is roughly ten inches long, and tapers off into a 'cape' near his hindquarters. The colour of his fur can best be described as 'charcoal', with vertical stripes of white, black and grey going from one end of his body to the other. He has a nasty scar behind his left ear, which is coloured white (whilst the other is black), and new fur has yet to grow over it. His eyes, customary of his people, are black. Magnus' pointed nose is slightly crooked, and missing thin strips of fur across its length, whilst his incisors are yellow and nicked in places. [b]Height: [/b] On four feet, roughly 5ft. On two feet, roughly 7ft. [b]Weight:[/b] 321 ibs. [b]Apparel:[/b] Magnus wears an improved version of the Mesocricetian Quadrupedal Ballistic Combat Armour (QBCA). QBCA is made from square fragments of plasma treated steel titanium bound together by a leathery synthetic anti-ballistic material known as targon, and forms a jumpsuit that protects a Mesocricetian's vital organs. The visual effect is not dissimilar to a turtle's shell, and so many refer to the QBCA affectionately as T-shell. As Mesocricetian soldiers move on all fours, and stand only to aim their weapons, the shoulder, back and arm areas of the QBCA are extra thick. The chest and stomach regions, therefore, are more susceptible to missiles. However, this allows Mesocricetians to maintain their dexterity. Magnus' version is made from the latest lightweight anti-ballistic materials, allowing him to move quickly and easily whilst still benefiting from the effectiveness of QBCA affords its user. Additionally, Magnus wears a Panzer Helm III, or PZH III. The Panzer Helm, designed by Earth's military, was developed especially for Mesocricetian infantry. Essentially, it is a thickly armoured helmet, covering the face, ears and neck with blast-resistant alloys. Moreover, each Panzer Helm comes fully equipped with 'Optical Assist' technology, which works to provide the otherwise near-blind Mesocricetians with almost 20/20 quality vision. Optical Assist also features night-vision and thermal imaging modes. [b]Weapons:[/b] The Mount Sinai Munitions Corp MS-32K, Meso Variant. Smaller than the original, and lacking some of the range, the MS32KM is designed for the smaller arm-length of the Mesocricetians, making for a more comfortable grip. [b] Equipment:[/b] Energy powered arc welder, capable of cutting through several types of materials. [b]Personal starfighter:[/b] N/A [b]Skills: [/b] Engineer, Systems Technician [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Extremely susceptible to rapid temperature changes. [b]Powers:[/b] Behavioural Inhibitor Off Switch - Magnus' Behavioural Inhibitor can be controlled by the team's designated leader. Deactivating it will instantly revert Magnus to his native mental state, and he will attack everyone. Whilst this may seem rather pointless, and potentially dangerous, a Mesocricetian's natural high aggression and resourcefulness can be an ace card when situations go to shit. [b] Personality: [/b] Magnus is very quiet, and barely speaks. Although he does grunt a lot, in fact, grunting is all he seems to do. He will often zone out if someone talks to him about anything other than the mission, displaying his obvious disinterest in what they may have to say. [b] Biography:[/b] Magnus lived an ordinary life as a dockyard systems engineer, grinding away 9 til 5 every day without much purpose - like many of his kind. One fateful morning during a routine logistical systems check, he suffered a serious head injury when a crane lost its grip on a container, and released it on top of him. Consigned to a coma for four weeks, Magnus' damaged behavioural inhibitor went undetected by hospital staff. Upon waking, he thanked those who had helped him back to health, promptly left the hospital, murdered a weapon's store owner, took a stash of guns and waged a one man war against his own peoples. Six days of death and destruction later, and Magnus was finally apprehended. Hundreds had been killed or wounded in a rampage that had torn half a city to pieces. Although originally sentenced to death, the Meso Supreme Court took mercy on him, noting that his actions were committed out of "diminished responsibility" due to his damaged behavioural inhibitor. His resourcefulness and ruthless efficiency during his killing spree grabbed the attention of a local human admiral, who had caught news of the tragedy. Morbidly impressed that a single Mesocricetian with no military background could do so much damage to a civilised and otherwise passive society, the admiral flagged Magnus' name to his superiors. Consequently, Magnus' impending life sentence with no chance of parole was automatically replaced by an ultimatum of joining Oblivion Squad. Not wanting to rot in a cell for the rest of his life, Magnus accepted.