Reposting Name: Jonathan Joestar Age: 17 Race: Human Height and Weight: 132 lbs/60 kg. 5'6"/169 cm [img][/img] Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Jonathan is normally a meek and gentle boy, however he isn't afraid to fight. Because of his heritage, he's always afraid of abusing his power like the rest of his family, which is part of the reason why he only fights as a last resort. As a doctor, Jonathan would rather fix someone then break them. Because he grew up with only his busy mother and the doctor who trained him, He doesn't really know how to interact with people his own age, so he can come across as social awkward sometimes. He's very eager to please and has a very kind and nurturing nature. Hurting people he cares about is a good way to make him forget about his fear of abusing his powers and only fighting as a last resort History: [hider=Strap yourselves in kids, this one is long]The general populace is under the impression that every World Noble is a cruel and self-centered asshole who doesn't care who they step on...while not too far of, it isn't quite the truth. One World Noble, a women named Jennifer, was quite frankly appalled at how many criminal acts they could get away with...although not at first. When Jennifer was 14 years old, a ship that her family was on got attacked my pirates (not aware of the on-bord World Nobles). Instead of pillaging the ship, the pirates instead just destroyed it from their own ship. Not many people survived the ship's destruction, and it was only made worse by the fact that this happened during a nasty storm. Although Jennifer survived, she was separated from her family and carried away by the waves. When she awoke, she found herself washed up on the beach of a small island with her clothing torn in several places (and her air helmet missing). She was soon found by a band of pirates who were staying there. While she tried to assort her authority as a world noble to get make them find her a replacement for her helmet and then to take her home, the captain just laughed at her, saying that she had no way of enforcing her authority on her own. When it finally hit Jennifer that she was completely powerless, she broke down. The next year was a real eye opening experience for her. First, she had to learn to breath without an air helmet, something that came to her quick out of necessity. Second, she had to learn how to take care of herself. While the captain let her stay with his crew while they were on the island, she had to pull her own weight. Her will to live soon won over her pride. By the time a Navy ship found her (the pirate crew hiding so Jennifer could be rescued without any unneeded complications), she was a changed girl. However she didn't leave the island empty handed; right before the pirates went into hiding, the captain gave her the Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu Devil Fruit, which she promptly ate Once back home, she found that her family had all survived the pirate attack, much to her relief. Although something that disturbed her greatly was just how much the World Noble's behavior and treatment of others horrified her. None of this was new to her, but her time spent on that island had changed her greatly. So much so that she began to actively work on getting the government to remove many of the World Noble's privileges...needless to say, her family didn't like this. Deciding to take action, her father had her married to World Noble named Dio Brandy. Jenifer didn't like him. While forced married life did indeed put an end to to her days of lobbying, it hadn't cowed her. Once she found out that she was pregnant, she immediately realized that se couldn't allow her child to be raised in the same environment that she had been. So on the day young Jonathan Brandy was born, she used her Devil Fruit powers to escape with her son, renouncing her status as a World Noble as she did. After leaving Mariejois, Jenifer changed her last name to Jostar, in memory of the pirate crew who opened her eyes. Likewise, Jonathan's last name changed as well. Raising Jonathan alone proved to be tough, especially in his early years, but she managed to keep them both alive. By the time Jonathan was five, they had reached Lougetown, somewhere Jenifer felt was far enough away from the home of the World Nobles to be safe (relatively speaking). Now with a home and a steady job, Jenifer was better able to provide for her son. While she hid her background from people, she didn't hide it from Jonathan, telling him everything once he was eight (she even showed him some of the Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu powers in secret). For a few years, things were peaceful, Jonathan was even taken on as an apprentice by the local doctor...until one day when Jonathan was 15. Jenifer suddenly came down with some kind of illness. Due to a lack of supplies, the resident doctor couldn't cure her. Thus Jenifer was doomed to die. On her deathbed, she asked Jonathan to bring her a fruit of any kind. Hurrying, Jonathan grabbed a pear and brought it to his dying mother. Taking the fruit from him, she told Jonathan that she was entrusting her powers to him. Since she had done a lot of reading about Devil Fruits, she knew what would happen if a user died. As she expected, when she passed away, the pear in her hands became to new Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu. Without any hesitation, Jonathan ate the whole thing (yes, the [i]whole[/i] thing. Even the parts that aren't edible). Ever since that day, Jonathan has been waiting for his chance; unable to trust the Marines who protect the corrupt World Nobles, he knew that his only chance to explore the world would be as part of a pirate crew...just like the one that took in his mother during her time on the island[/hider] Abilities: Hito Hito no Mi Model: Daibutsu Techniques: Traits: Inventory: 153 Beli and a few loafs of bread