[url=http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/140/8/7/space_station_concept_by_nova29r-d660mm6.jpg]Roosevelt Space Station[/url] orbits high above the human colony of Minerva, a far off small world which rarely sees visitors. The planet is covered in thick deserts accompanied by blistering temperatures during the day and bone chilling ones at night. However, the world when it was colonized did have oxygen in the atmosphere, enough that with some terraformation it could be turned into a livable world which it is now. Though the only people that live on it are miners. Normally it is quiet on Minerva and the space station which orbits the world, but all the talk of the station is the rumored arrival of several high profile criminals, rumored to be joining some odd, expendable task force. However, any questions asked of this are quickly shot down. To the public, the squad doesn't exist, it's just an absurd rumor. It's not actually. A ship docks at the far end of the station, then departs. Tucked away from the others is a strange, advanced vessel, it's maiden voyage soon to be taken as its crew is assembled. A man in handcuffs exits the docked ship, three armed figures behind him, each of them in advanced suits of armor, all of them covered, helmets hiding their identities. The group heads down a hallway away from the hangars, the handcuffed one stopping to glance at a pretty secretary at her desk, before he can say a word to her one of the armed men escorting him shoves him forward with the butt of his rifle. "What? I didn't do anything." Lex Hargrave asked, his eyes wide open in a look of faked innocence. "Keep moving, scum." The guard which pushed him says. "For the record, I agreed to joining your fancy crew, you should treat me nicer. What happens if after you push me, I fall and break my arm? That'd probably piss off your superiors." "They have cybernetics for that stuff, idiot." One of the other guards says as Lex shakes his head, moving down the hallway. The station was always quiet, it's only use as a clearance area for anyone coming to the planet and as a first response to any attacks on the world. It was in other words, the perfect place to gather the criminal crew. "How much do they pay you to do this crap? Y'know, the dirty work like pushing around convicted criminals?" "Enough." One of the guards muttered. "Doesn't sound like it..." Lex mumbled, the guard not hearing him. Soon enough the group came to another hallway, next to the door at the end stood two more armed guards, identical in appearance to the one's escorting Lex. Lex's handcuffs were undone as one of the doormen nodded at the escort guards as the door came open. Lex was pushed inside, the door shutting behind him. He regained his footing to find himself in a large conference type room, a long table in the middle, chairs all around it, many filled with his other fellow criminals turned expendable heroes of the galaxy. "Good to see the captain of the S.S. Vigilance finally graced us with his presence," A man in the corner of the room said to Lex, his arms folded, his clothing that of a military man. A service dress uniform, several gold stars on his chest signifying that he was of high rank and importance. "Please take a seat next to your crewmen." The man added as Lex moved towards the end of the table, taking his seat at the far end. The uniformed figure then looked around the table, his eyes scanning the seated criminals. Behind them near the walls of the room were more guards, rifles in their hands. The man at the front of the room spoke in a deep weathered voice akin to that of someone who had been in military service for many years and had given many speeches before. "My name is Vice Admiral Johannsen, I am in the charge of gathering the crew of the S.S. Vigilance, which you all are a part of. Now that the crew has been fully gathered, I feel I should brief you quickly before you all head onto your ship and depart for your first destination." The vice admiral said, then cleared his throat. "You have all been selected because you possess invaluable sets of skills that would be of great use to the well-being of the galactic community. Unfortunately, you all have commited and been convicted of various crimes which would ordinarily have you imprisoned, executed or exiled. This is not an ordinary case, in exchange for your service, you have all been promised various things, most often your freedom. This freedom does not come easily, though." He paused for a moment. "You have all been fitted with ankle monitors which will serve as a means to keep you from attempting anything rash such as deserting your service. Any tinkering of these devices will not be accepted. In the event of the activation of them, which you do not want to happen, your life will be prematurely ended. Of course that [i]will not[/i] happen, I am sure of it." "Your first mission in service shall be a visit to the world of Ecscarvis, whose inhabitants have reported being troubled by a terrorist cell. Those reports have since been confirmed. I trust you will take care of the issue with delicate and appropriate manners." The vice admiral said, then looked at one of the guards. "I shall now take my leave, you will shortly all be escorted to your new vessel." He added then turned and left the room, two of the guards following him out, still leaving several more in the room with the new crew of the Vigilance. "So I'm your captain, though you don't need to call me that, Lex is just fine." Lex said as looked around at the others, quietly cautious of his new crewmen.