Ro'Essel sat feeling insulted that after she'd been delivered the humans had demanded she be fitted with an ankle monitor, her honor had be questioned. Of course she was one of the dammed now but that only meant that she was to die in combat which was her only chance for redemption in the eyes of the goddess. The very fact that they needed to put such devices on their own spoke volumes of the honor of those humans she'd have to serve beside. ("It is in hardship that is found the true worth of the soul") she thought as she remembered the words of the Longwalker. She touched the curse mark that condemned her to death should she ever set foot once more on the Holy world of Ko'sect.. Ro'Essel was dead already and only the circumstances of her death needed to be made. She understood that those not born under the sign of war feared death but since her mind had been opened she'd been prepared to die as were all of her caste. As she sat among them she thought of doing a surface scan of those assembled but knew that to touch their thoughts was to expose herself to the cesspool of dishonor that likely lay hidden there so Ro'Essel sealed her mind away behind her shields. She heard the one called Lex be made her commander an had she been of lesser spirit would have moaned in despair to deserve such a human as had to be escorted to his command in chains. Vice Admiral Johannsen was the chief human officer and the ship they were assigned to was the S.S. Vigilance. He said they were all to be offered freedom and then reminded her of how little they trusted her honor by calling attention the ankle shackle. He then told them of their first assignment; Ecscarvis a world ravaged by those dishonorable the other races called terrorists. These scum were known to Ro'Essel and the fact that they weren't picky about their targets sickening, she would enjoy as any of her race would killing those who included children as targets. Ecscarvis wouldn't provide Ro'Essel the death with honor that she sought for to die by their hands would be a disgrace she couldn't bare which meant she had no need to meet them in honorable combat but instead had the distasteful duty of their extermination.