Annie - Error Wrecking Crew Roof of Apartments in Municipal XIII Annie puzzled for ideas before remembering something. "So, my magic is drawn, literally, from this book. I still don't know where you get yours. Some of the other girls have a weapon or pendant. Do you have anything like that?" Annie produced the old pages and bindings that contained the secrets to her magic and flipped to a page labelled "The Guardian". On it where several runes, some text and descriptions, and then the card itself, depicting an armored bear standing over a small child. It roared in defiance against a litter of arrows and wounds. "The Guardian is a protection spell, but also an Embodiment Card, like The Hunter," Annie explained. "It is defined by courage, honor, and inner strength." She looked up from the text and continued to smile. "Sounds exactly like what we are looking for. Maybe there is something in this that will help you too."