Drew sat among the rest of the criminals chosen for Oblivion Squad in relative silence. He'd thought of trying to break the ice, but the stern look on the guard's faces as well as that of the Admiral made him rethink the idea. Instead, he looked around at everyone, surveying the men and women who were essentially condemned to death with him, most of whom held fairly empty expressions. The stillness of the room was incredibly intimidating to think about, so he quickly shifted his thoughts back to his brother. [i]I hope you're doing well enough, Paul,[/i] he thought to himself. It didn't really bother Drew that he was now on a pseudo-death sentence. In fact, the idea of working on an alliance starship was more [i]exciting[/i] to him than it should have been, imminent death and all. What bothered him was that he'd dragged his brother into his stupid game. The guy was extremely talented, had the rest of his life ahead of him, and Drew pulled that away over the course of ten years. As much as they promised a full pardon, Drew was sure that his brother was going to have a tough time getting his life en course to something respectable. Drew had been an idiot, and he knew that. He shook his head as he tried to get the thoughts out of his mind. After all, why wallow in the past when it was already over with? Today was a new day and the start of what was sure to be an interesting chapter of his life, if not the last. He may as well own it. He looked down at the crude device strapped to his ankle. Definitely not attractive, but he was sure he'd cover it most of the time with his boots. When they came off, though, he probably wasn't going to be able to make it look fashionable. The sound of the door opening caused Drew's head to snap back up. Two guards walked in accompanying another man who looked to be around the same age as Drew. The Admiral stood up and broke the silence by explaining the ankle bracelets and introducing the man who'd walked in the door as their captain. Drew smirked, [i]well, at least they picked some good looking people[/i], he thought as the Admiral turned and left the room leaving behind another awkward silence. The captain was the first to speak up, introducing himself as Lex. Drew looked around, and it seemed nobody was completely ready to answer, so he decided to continue the conversation himself. "Well, let's hope to god your piloting is better than that icebreaker." He chuckled to himself, "I'm Drew Knight, I suppose I'm an engineer. Really, I'm more of a tech expert. If something's broken, or you want it modded, you're probably gonna bring it to me. So long as it's not biologically part of you, that is." He leaned back, his piece over, and waited for the rest of the crew to speak up.