[center]Name: Alyss Nikael Age: 21 Gender: Female Arcana: Death School: New Light University Occupation: Part time Librarian and music teacher Weapon: Conductors baton Appearance: [hider=Alyss][img]http://www.seducingwithstyle.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/be06529245c7ad38cc7ab0a10d8b3f8d.jpg[/img][/hider] Personality: Alyss, despite her outward appearance, is a calm and surely spoken individual. She is comfortable in most situations and is rarely flustered should things change. She seems to have an aura of confidence about her that is more than enough to put people at ease. While she can seem grounded at all times, she does have a side of herself that allows flights of fancy that most often comes out when either she has been drinking or, more frequently, playing one of the numerous instruments she has half learned. History: Alyss came from a wealthy family and had no issues when it came to her childhood or even her teenaged years. She was and still is just an average girl that got stuck in the punk phase of how she wanted to look and continued with other tastes. She had part times jobs working for barely any money and learned quickly how to project herself as a happy person at all times with confidence. Her life continues this way as a music tutor and a part time librarian while she studies. Persona: The Hatter and Cheshire Arcana: Death Persona Appearance: [hider=The Hatter] [img]http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i96/Sephy12/Anime%20Guys/Mad_Hatter_by_beanclam.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Cheshire] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/201/c/e/anime_choco_neko_render_by_nothatmysushi-d414skh.png[/img][/hider] Skills: Mudo, Mudo Boost, Evil Smile. Strengths: Null Dark. Weaknesses: Light. [/center]