[quote=@GrandzHelios] [hider=Mar Kite] Name:Mar Kite Age:22 Race: Fishman Height and Weight: 5'10 180lbs. Pirate or Marine: Marine [img]http://www.elainemacintyre.net/images/cool/film_2004/hellboy_fishman.jpg[/img] Bounty: 0 Beli Personality:Mar Kite has a loathing of pirates. His time aboard the Night Pirates ship has taught him that pirates as nothing more than an insect that must be swatted. That combined with the death of his father figure upon entering the marines has caused him to mature faster than he should. This caused him to shed his childish humor and mold into the marine with a sadistic sense of humor. He tends to point out the worse possible choice so that he could work towards a brighter future than his first choice. This also might make him a type of realist. Even though he may hate pirates, in a combat situation he feels that warrior shows their true character in battle. He loathes fighters who try to stretch the battle and believes that a proper battle is decided on the outcome of the first strike. This causes him to lack a sense of strategy and has his men do the fight prepartions for him. History: Mar is a fishman who was born on Fishman island. Because he was close to the New World he met pirates good and bad who sought to journey the entire Grand Line. As a kid he was fascinated with pirates and joined the first crew that would take him. At the age of twelve he was mocked as the child and choreboy of the Night Pirates. He enjoyed the traveling but Mar's captain was an evil man who took his time to torture every living being he could. It got crawled under Mar's skin that he served an evil man but he made the use of it by learning the way of the samurai from a veteran pirate on his ship named Blade. Blade was the closest thing to a father figure to Mar and taught him many life lessons from the man. That was until the crew disbanded. On one of their voyages back from the Grand Line into the East Blue the Night Pirates were destroyed by the Marines. Mar was off doing the shopping for food and supplies while the entire ship was sunk. The amount of power the Marines displayed impressed Mar so much that he wanted to be a marine. One reason was to achieve the battle in power as a marine but the other was to get revenge one day against the man who slew his crew. For Blade's memory over the rest of them. Mar joined the Marines easily at the age of thirteen because there was no proof of him being a pirate because he was not well known. With the drive to take down every single pirate as a piece of filth to drive his career (and some credit to his fishman strength) he began to be known as the Pirate Slayer of the East Blue. That was until he came against a crew of pirates who had a fighter with a devil fruit. This caused Mar to beg his superior officers for information on the devil fruits. His superiors awarded his battle record with the Mera Mera no Mi along with the command of his own marine ship. After some long thinking Mar finally decided to relinquish his ability to swim and his fish karate for the ability to turn his body into fire. Abilities: Flame Sword Style This is a fighting style entirely created by Mar Kite. By combining above average swordsmanship and the abilities of the Mera Mera no Mi he is able to do many things a normal swordsman cannot. This style involves the user covering their sword with immense heat to light the air around the blade on fire. This also allows the user to extend their arms as it combat their opponent from a longer range than most swordsmen. Mera Mera no Mi The Mera Mera No Mi is a logia devil fruit that gives the user the property of fire. At will the user is able to turn their entire body into flames and control and form fire at will. This fruit is weak against properties such as water and is weaker than magma. As the Mera Mera no Mi is a devil fruit it takes away the consumers ability to swim. Techniques: Traits: Inventory: Two Steel Swords that are tempered to be slightly flame resistant. [/hider] [/quote] Do you really need the Flame-Flame Fruit? Setting your attacks on fire is just something that One Piece characters seem to be able to do, and it would let you do sick boiling water attacks to make use of the fact that you're a Fishman.