Name: Remy Ramsey Age: 22 Race: Humam Height and Weight: 5'9'' Appearance: A man with short blond hair and starry green eyes. Stick thin, but dresses smartly with a white shirt, black dress pants and button up vest, and a pink bow-tie. Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Remy is very eager to please, accommodating to a fault, and doesn't have very much self worth. His confidence is a shaky sort that crumples at even the slightest criticism and he can't really accept praise without thinking that its just pity. He's sort of like mush; you can't really build him up, but you also can't break him down. This is why he continues to follow his dream in the face of all criticism, even though he also considers it an impossible one to achieve. History: Remy is a chef. He knows for a fact that he is a chef. His heart is the burning heart of a cook. It is unfortunate, then, that he is such a terrible cook. It's not even about nutrition. What he cooks is edible. It may even be nutritious. It will certainly keep you alive, it's just that you'll wish you were dead. He can't help it. Ever since he was a kid helping out in his parents restaurant he's been awful. The boy can't even boil something without seemingly sapping all its flavor away. His father realized this early in his career and forbid him to ever even enter the kitchen. Instead Remy acted as a waiter, which he was actually good at. He was an amazing waiter, it was like he was born to do nothing but wait tables. But Remy wasn't a waiter. Remy was a chef, and so at sixteen he took all the money he'd saved up and set out to the sea to try and improve. Being laughed out of every school he could find and in most cases thrown off every ship where he touched the food, his wanderings eventually led him to Lougetown where he's been trying to book passage to the Grand Line. Because "Black Leg" Sanji sailed the Grand Line, and he ended up the best chef ever. So maybe it would spit him out a somewhat average chef. Abilities: Remy is the worst cook ever. In the history of time. His dad used to joke that if Remy was the chef on it you could sail a ship up and down the Calm Belt without fear of sea kings, because they'd spit you out as soon as they ate you. It's not even that the food will make you sick, it just tastes [i]bad[/i]. This is in contrast to his skills as a waiter, because he's perfect at it. Not only does he have an air-tight memory, but perfect balance. He could walk across a tightrope carrying a stack of plates 30 high and not drop a single one. While blindfolded, if someone told him to just walk straight. He can also just toss things. He can chuck a plate of soup out the kitchen door and land it right where he was aiming, face up, without having spilled a drop. He can also do this trick with bowls, glasses, and at one point a whole party platter. Techniques: Traits: Inventory:Really just the clothes on his back and a set of cookware that he keeps diligently shined.