Anyone that peered at Jasmine would see the color drain from her face. Under normal circumstances she would stay in the office and handle communications and support, she liked it that way. It came with a lot less trouble, a lot less danger, and far beyond fewer sleepless nights. "All the same Sir Fukui, I'd rather stay here. Why don't you drive?" While tying his sash Katsu gave her a no nonsense glare. "Not possible. I do not have any experience driving and we need a man on the scene to inform the recovery team. Get the keys Ms. Gilboa." "Please sir..." She wanted to plead, she wanted to say no. If these were just adults, she wouldn't be putting up as much of a fuss. But these were kids, people not old enough to fully defend themselves. This wasn't the job she signed up for, yet she knew that she could make a difference. All Katsu had to say was "Tick Tock," and she grabbed her keys and her coat. She turned the door handle, ready to go but Daniel's question kicked her brain into gear. "School bus... oh." It was late at night, well past after school care, and sport events. Though she didn't have kids herself, she did have a niece whom she loved dearly who recently complained about not being able to go with the big kids on their overnight trip. "It’s a field trip. The fifth graders went on an overnight trip to the next city. There would have been more than one bus sir..." "He only said one," he quickly interjected. "The others should be fine, otherwise the Commissioner would have mentioned them. One bus Ms. Gilboa." This made her feel the slightest bit better, and gave her the boost she needed to work past the fear. She left and ran around the building to the too small parking lot. The van was nothing special, by any stretch of the imagination. A plain white van with ordinary plates, seating for eight. The office had two such vehicles, Jasmine just jumped into the closest one, started it up and moved it out into the street front of the building.