Name: Zerry Bell Age: 38 Race:Fishman ( jellyfish) Height and Weight: He is 6 foot 4 and weighs 164 pounds Pirate or Marine: Pirate [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Bounty: 0 Beli Personality: Zerry Bell is very laid-back and easygoing, speaking rather slowly and occasionally drawing out the last word of his sentences. He takes everything lightly regardless of the severity of the moment, but always keeps his senses on alert. In surprising, perilous and unexpected situations, he is apparently never shocked. Unlike most fishmen he has absolutely with humans in general, but he does treat them like they treat him ie if they're rude to him, he is rude to them and so on. History: Zerry was one of the many Fishman Island citizens who watched the fight the fight between The Straw Hat Pirates and the New Fishman Pirates. In fact seeing humans fight to protect his country not only changed his opinion of them, but also inspired him to go out and adventure himself. Like many others he joined the karate dojo hoping to improve himself before setting out. Unfortunately he lacked any real skill at combat this combined with his easygoing nature meant he only slowly improved. However he was serious about it in his own way and eventually left the island, confident that while he might not be the best fighter he would still make a decent pirate. Abilities: Stinging Touch Zerry has the stinging cells of a Jellyfish located in both his tentacles (which look like his hair) and in his hands, they are not activated are instead triggered by the chemicals found on skin. This is how Bell controls whether to activate this sting effect or not. While his sting is painful, it's by no means fatal and an experienced or driven opponent can ignore the pain. Fishman Karate Zerry has spend years training at Fishman Karate Dojo though he is by no means very good at the martial art, he however hopes that being much stronger than the average human will help him make up for it. Techniques: Five Tile True Punch: The weakest of the so called Tile True Punch attacks, this punch is still strong enough to knock out an untrained human in one hit. Against anyone with training/fighting experience it's much less effective. Inventory: