[i]"I do not know the answer to that Elizabeth. The first night I arrived in this town I saved her from a foreigner who intended to harm her. I intervened because of my own fancy. When I met her again, she was very interesting, and she had a thirst for knowledge. I do not generally indulge in human interaction, but there was something her, something fascinating. She has one or two fascinating traits also."[/i] He said, feeling the weight of the blood filled vials in his chest pocket. [i]"And when she appeared at the Vampire Haven, I somehow recognised the scream and felt compelled to go toward it, resulting in me attacking those Vampires and stealing her away. My actions and thoughts are very odd, I cannot explain them. It is most unlike me."[/i] He could feel the girls breath on his neck and even with his Vampiric strength, this girl was still incredibly light. Azrael shook his head as Elizabeth talked. [i]"She is... no-one special. Just the daughter of a maid within the castle. She was badly treated by the Royal Family so I assume that is why she ran away. That, and she keeps talking about adventures, heh."[/i] A small smirk ran across his face. [i]"You know that no matter how quiet you talk, I will always hear you, we are Vampires. I assure you, she has not stolen me away from you. And there is plenty of time for another kiss, heh. Do not worry about that."[/i] He said as Elizabeth walked past him, Azrael could tell that she was visibly annoyed. Though he did not understand why. It was still quite some time before the group reached the little house that Azrael still remembered from all those years ago, still placed deep within the forest. The sun would be rising soon so Azrael quickened his pace to catch up with the now absent Elizabeth. When he arrived the front door was open, he entered into the house to find it mostly unchanged from his last visit. Elizabeth had already made herself a drink and was casually sitting in a comfortable chair. Azrael lay the princess on a nearby sofa before stretching his arms and back. [i]"It's nice to be back in this house. It's pretty much just how I remembered it."[/i] He said smiling at Elizabeth.