Hua Tsing-Virtù Cardinali Incarnano Cafe Zepelli "Ahhhh?" Confused and more than a little bit flustered, Hua decided to just take her seat and pretend that this happened. There was no need to acknowledge the kiss, as that'd just make this more awkward. -If she did acknowledge it, her friend may or may not have been going to the hospital for a very long time. Now partially recovered, she tried to break the awkward air by getting involved in the current conversation. "U-h, I can pick it up. Just, don't be to extravagant, alright? Alright." Hua took another sip from her tea, deciding to leave that in the air. Maybe cake would make them forget. Yes, everyone who was anyone enjoyed cake, so that would work. Putting her mind to more serious matters, Hua begin thinking about Rome. It was certainly a place different than her homeland of China, but it seemed to have nice people and nicer scenery. However, the Error activity was far more active in Rome than it had been in Taiwan.