Amelia hated guards, as a rule of thumb. It didn't matter which side they were on, whether they were protecting her or incarcerating her. When she'd served aboard the Changde and later the Donetsk as the lead navigator, she'd dismissed the guards around her at every available opportunity. Soldiers were a different matter of course; they risked their lives to accomplish a goal, but guards... They just held put most of the time, not really doing anything. They were a deterrent, put there [i]just in case[/i] something might happen. This obsession got to such an extreme that some of the guards on the bridge actually left as soon as she arrived, without being asked. This might have been because they liked her and she liked them when they were off duty, or maybe because they were sick and tired of being yelled at. Either way it made no odds because during a pricey naval engagement with a trio of heavily armed pirates Amelia killed the Captain during an argument and more of the crew were loyal to her than to his corpse. They destroyed the pirates and proceeded with the mission. They completed their objective with finesse, but then it was truly time to return home. Home to the court martial and now this forsaken space station. Amelia hadn't been in control at that point, there was only so much she could do and eventually the Donetsk's chief of security locked her up in the brig for the return journey to Earth. The following months had flown by in a blur: twenty five years in prison and banned from ever serving on an Alliance vessel again. What a bummer. She'd wanted to fly with the navy since her mother had died. That was until she got a video call from her father in his fancy ESA office, one year into her sentence. "Amy, I've wrangled you something." When she didn't answer straight away he continued: "You've been assigned to Oblivion Squad! Flight privileges are restored and you start monday. "What's Oblivion Squad?" she'd asked, a little excited. "It's a crack team of convicts like you who've been picked because of their excellent skill sets to go out on clandestine missions. Gerry from ONI put me in touch with the project leader." She'd complained a little to begin with, but when he explained that her complete pardon was offered in exchange for her expertise she could hardly decline. She hadn't planned on saying much to begin with when she was sat down at a conference table and one at a time her future crew mates were pushed inside, however she felt the spotlight turn on her and faces looked round to examine her in full. She looked up hesitantly at Lex who seemed to be silently encouraging her. "I'm Amelia Dupont. I was head navigator on my previous vessels...i can handle combat, hyperjumps, regular sailing etcetera." Was all that came out. Against her better judgement she smiled the smile which had afforded her the chance to mutiny against an unpopular captain without any prior planning or forewarning. It showcased lips and teeth.