[quote=@The Patriarch] I find superman is very relatable, he grew with an honest background, his parents weren't rich, he was adopted and he works an average job. It's funny because superman could work almost any job if he chose to but he chose an more average job as a reporter. In a sense Superman is going against the norm that we all have to be over achievers which in my opinion is a serious problem that society has. Superman is symbol that we don't need to be billionaires or over achievers to do good. [/quote] Oh, yeah, definitely. My emphasis on how different he is one reason why he's so easy to relate to. He seems like a run-of-the-mill average Joe, but what makes him great is the stuff he hides from others (and from himself early on). And I think a LOT of people are like that. I like to think I'm like that. He's just relatable all around, even in his difference. [quote=@The Patriarch] He also an allegory for the immigrants who came to America and made the country better [/quote] Exactly! That's why I think he's so important as a character. The importance of his diversity is lost in American culture, and it's a great allegory for immigrants and outsiders who struggle to fit in when they (and the rest of the society) need to learn how valuable [i]different[/i] can be. There is strength in diversity and everyone has something to offer no matter their origins--or rather [i]because[/i] of their origins.