Oliveia was completely entranced by the scene unfolding in front of her. This was only the third time she had been exposed to so many people. The first had been when she was removed from her home and the second at her "Trial" though, not being recognized as a lifeform at that point had made it a trial in name only. She remembered her fathers last words before he was taken away from her "My darling, Oleander. This world you are about to enter is going to be a dark place. Do not let it color your spirit. This place you are going is nothing like actual life. I love you, my darling girl" And she had remembered loving him too, with all of the artificial emotion she could muster. She really tried. His words, however had been a confusion to her, as they often were. Logically this was exactly like actual life. She ate, breathed, slept, all the things she had done in the lab. She had also learned more about human interaction here than anywhere before. She had observed guards joke and jostle each other, enjoying the jeers. In trying it herself she found that they did not appreciate her criticisms like they did their colleagues. She was convinced that he still did not understand the intricacies of humor, but vowed to learn. She was lost in thought now. The door opened and another lifeform was brought in, and introduced as their superior. Oleander hung on the vice admirals every word naturally seeing him as the authority figure and concluding that his information would be superior to those around her. She had studied ancient right of passage among species with her father and without guidance concluded that this was what was happening. She was to prove herself an adult woman and capable of contributing to society. There was apprehension in her heart, but a hint of something else. excitement? She had studied terrorism. Her father had condemned it, and though ethics were still a foreign idea to her she had listened. Logically the use of fear among organics was effective. She had remembered that. This organics designation was lex. He was to be her new proxy. As captain her thoughts would be relayed up the chain of command to her superiors. Oleander accessed every naval data file she had on record, trying to understand the hierarchy she was becoming a part of. The other members of her network, (no that's not the word) "Team" she corrected herself, they each spoke in turn. They introduced themselves and volunteered seemingly random information. It suddenly occurred to her that she too would be expected to do this. What to say? Standing quickly in unintentionally dramatic flair she spoke clearly "I am Oleander Oliveia, daughter of Charles Olivea. My serial number is 598754, I am made of an organic/silicone composite and I am 2 years old as of yesterday" She mimicked the smile that her father had shown in his moments of pride, as she too now felt proud of herself for participating.