Character name: Suno Lisuli Criminal?: yes Convicted for: Attempted hijacking, piracy Species: Oko Gender: N/A Sexual orientation: N/A Age: 44, perhaps 15 years younger by human standards Appearance: See species description below. Suno keeps his fur/feathers/plumage short and well-trimmed; in a few spots, it has stopped growing due to scars and injuries. He (I’ll just use the technical grammatical default, especially considering that, as a male, I’ll probably subconsciously add my own outlook) tends to cover all of that up in his clothing. He walks around — he prefers bipedalism to show off what little height he has — with a certain air of confidence and optimism that perhaps isn’t deserved in someone who has been handed a near-certain death sentence. Even if there’s no way he could, he seems to understand whatever situation he finds himself in and always be thinking about something just a little removed. To some he looks, based on appearance alone, a little pompous. Height: 126 cm (50 in) Weight: 34 kg (75 lb) Apparel: Outside of missions, Suno tends to wear one of a few sets of grey and black undergarments and rotates three very plain one-piece jumpsuits which only differ in color: one charcoal, one navy, and one khaki. They all have a simple strip along where buttons would be which somehow fastens the two flaps on the front of the jacket together. The neckline is a mandarin collar, though Suno usually folds the edge down on the overlapping lapel down. Combined with the small tears and places which have been mended, this makes him appear casually but professionally dressed. The fabric is very well-tailored, but the freedom of movement he enjoys leads one to think there is some sort of elasticity in the joints, if not elsewhere. To accessorize, he wears a black belt in almost all circumstances on which he mounts his knife sheath, ammunition cartridges, and some rudimentary first aid supplies. He wears a silver banded necklace flush with his neck which is a communications relay from his eye to his surroundings. He has gloves for all of his hands made from a tough black material somewhere between animal hide and plastic in texture. They fit his hands just as perfectly as his jumpsuits fit his body. On missions, he wears a lightly-armored and air-tight flight suit capable, with an accompanying backpack unit, of keeping Suno alive in a vacuum for about five days. It can take some light-arms fire but nothing more and nothing sustained. In lieu of a visor, the helmet has four small cameras (two at mouth level and two at eye-level, for redundancy) which feed directly to his cybernetic eye. They are sensitive to a wide range of wavelengths, from mid-infrared to low ultraviolet. Most of the suit’s surfaces are matte black to for camouflage in open space. Weapons: Although Suno attempts to keep out of hand-to-hand combat, he still stays prepared for it, and carries a small (though in proportion average-sized) laser pistol with 15-shot replaceable energy cells. He keeps a few spares on his belt and the holster on his left side under his arm (in civilian clothing, under his jacket). He also carries a 13 cm (5”) knife on his left hip. As his primary combat experience being boarding and he’s not anything more than a pretty good shot, he relies largely on grenades for combat. Fragmentation grenades would be too dangerous in space, so he carries three grenades of smoke (capable of blocking out visible and high-frequency infrared light), hallucinogenic (strictly depressants, though), and aerosol anaesthetic (fentanyl for humans; for other species he has to do some research) varieties. Normally he has one of each. The latter two are potentially lethal, so he carries antidotes in syringes just in case. Equipment: Suno’s left eye is cybernetic, a remnant of his glory days, which uses standard 2^2^6 bit encryption channels to connect to standard equipment such as weapons and ships. It gives him a heads-up display of fuel, ammunition, and such. His right ear also has a communications implant. Both of which communicate with his necklace, which has a much longer range and faster connection with his surroundings. Personal starfighter: (I’ll think of a name later): [hider=Bottom left] [img][/img] [/hider] The craft is one chosen with Suno’s purposes in mind: all he really ever had to do was pose a valid threat and outmaneuver static defenses, so the ship sacrifices armor for speed and maneuverability. Its weight is kept in check by only having enough armor to stop a small ship-mounted laser weapon; anything else could punch a hole right through. Its defenses hinge upon its AI being able to detect attacks and turn so a more favorable surface (or none at all) takes the blow. To facilitate this, small jets are mounted on various surfaces of the craft and can be activated by the pilot or onboard computer precisely and quickly. The main thrusters have some oomph, too. The craft has one forward-mounted laser cannon on the nose and a twin energy rifle turret mounted below that. Skills: He is a reasonably good pilot and shot with his pistol; however, he is by no means an expert. Weaknesses: His size and lack of any real training make him pretty hopeless in open close combat. Powers: None Personality: Suno is someone who knows there’s a good side and a bad side to everyone and everything. Despite that, he manages to be pretty optimistic, some of may be due to a bit of self-involvement. He’s pretty good with others: once he sees an initial sign of friendliness, he’s more than willing to start a conversation. Actual trust requires more work with him. Biography: Suno should have had a better shot at the kind of life most of his species enjoys. Anu-V, where he was born, was the remnant of what could have been a thriving colony, had the parastatal that first built it not ceded the system to an aggressor for a bit of wealth and spare time. The aggressor hadn’t done much with it, either. They pulled a few megatonnes of water and minerals out of the system and moved their fleet on to threaten other systems. And so all that was left was a barren colony on a half-terraformed planet scarred by resource extraction, a few hundred thousand inhabitants, and a handful of ships capable of interstellar flight. Oko ships would pass through every few years on their way to markets worth stopping at. They were built of sculpted metal, polymers, and diaphanous carbon crystals: reminders of the wealth of their race and how easily they’d been sold away for peace of mind. Suno grew up surrounded by that resentment. He knew he was wronged and he knew what he deserved. He grew up without ever missing the chance to see one of those Oko merchant ships, always dreaming of being one of those aboard. He longed for wealth, education, long life, escape — all that he thought he should have had. The only was he saw to get it was certainly extralegal, but that was the path he chose. If someone wronged him, why couldn’t he wrong others? Within twenty years, he was near the top of a piracy organization that had made itself known in four systems: they would jump in, find a target, subdue what were normally entirely insufficient security systems and personnel, hijack ships, sell off stolen materials, and ransom the crews from the relative safety of their base in the Anu system. He was wealthy enough to get all that he had been wanting: he had good doctors, equipment better than he had ever seen as a child, leisure time to read and become the kind of snob he’d always claimed to hate but secretly envied. Life life worked like clockwork until, one day, it didn’t, and Suno and his compatriots ended up in a cell on an E.S.A. cruiser. When a man in a suit with a strange proposal came along, freedom sounded like a pretty good option.