"How is it rude if it's true?! That's like you thinking it's rude when I call you little," Takeshi retorted, huffing as he shook his head, "So the lady was big, not my fault she's like that." For someone who really did fret over getting smacked he certainly had a knack for putting himself into positions to get just that. Besides Shu had basically done the same thing by thinking she had a baby, therein implying she looked fat. Or had the woman conveniently overlooked that detail because he was little and adorable and blah blah blah. Looking over at his brother the older boy stuck out his tongue, putting a piece of food in his mouth to keep himself from going on any more. Coupled with his attempts to explain why nature wasn't supposed to do anything and Takeshi was at the end of his rope. Botching a chance at explaining the concept to Shu he listened as his sibling totally missed the mark, letting out a groan before laying his head on the table before leaning back and rubbing at his head fitfully. "No no no, fish are not there for you. They don't get up out of their fishy homes, say goodbye to their fishy families and then think 'Oh, I'd better go see Shu today!' Fish don't do that, they're just there," Takeshi reiterated, looking at Shu exasperated. Sheesh, he really did need to teach Shu a thing or two didn't he? The little guy was kind of clueless. "Yeah, don't get eaten by fish, we eat fish. Unless they're gross fish, we won't touch those." T'charrl had every right to be worried, a lot was going on in his life right now. There were things that the young Prince had experienced that no one else ever would, and some things that many may never have the chance to; the fact T'charrl was coherent and sane at the moment was a miracle really. "Yes, it's normal. There's more food on this world than fruits after all, we just happen to like that best. I'm sure your friends from Earth are the same way." The Saiyans seemed to favor meats over near anything else, save for Shu who rivaled even the most voracious Kaesstrian with his love for fruit. Different people liked different things was what it all came down to, and far be it from Eslaria to judge anyone, least of all her son. The proposal that the Prince had for her was a hard one to digest, and much too big to make a decision on right here and now. What he had in mind would take time, a lot of resources and very careful negotiations with other leaders, all of which would have to be handled elsewhere. Wiping off her mouth with a napkin, Eslaria sat back in her chair and let out a sigh, reaching up and adjusting one of her antennae carefully. "I don't think it's that bad an idea T'charrl, but understand you're asking a lot. Even just visiting these people would take a lot of negotiating, let alone getting everyone together to learn their power. The other leaders have no reason to abide by our requests, though maybe there is a way that we could sway their opinions..." Trailing off for a moment the Queen's gaze shifted over to her son's friends, a small smile appearing on her face. "They must know we're allies with Saiyans now, I would imagine that would make a good bargaining chip. I hate to involve your friends in more of our politics, but if you want to do this then that might be necessary." Being asked what was important or special to someone wasn't the easiest of questions to answer, certainly not in the span of a few seconds. Plenty of things were important, and it was difficult to rank them in terms of most to least. Above all else Yumi supposed the one thing she valued most were her friends and the bonds she made during their journeys together; people who she may never have given a second look otherwise had become nigh inseparable to her, and she loved that fact. Infuriating though some may be she couldn't think of any group she'd rather be traveling or spending time with. Glancing over at Viral her face reddened when asked about having a family, looking away in an odd show of embarrassment as she shook her head, "No, that's not even on my mind yet. Way too far down the road, I mean... I'm still young, and I'm traveling all the time, plus I like to fight, I can't be raising kids." Honestly having a family of her own had crossed her mind maybe once before, otherwise the thought was non-existant. She didn't hate the idea, but knowing what it would take and how long she'd spend out of action so to speak was too hefty a toll right now. Curious about something Yumi looked back at Viral, wanting to ask him a question but instead letting him finish first. "I do spend time with them, and I don't feel like you're okay, but that's not the only reason I'm sticking around. You're saying spend time with my friends which is exactly what I'm doing now, it just so happens that friend needs some kind of support too. It's a coincidence that those go hand in hand, but I'm not here solely for one reason or another." Sending a glance up in Vegeta's direction she watched him working away on that PDA of his, rolling her eyes at his obsession with technology. "I have a question for you now, though... Since you asked I'm curious," Yumi began, shifting closer and smiling, "Do you want to have a family?"