Suno watched with a good deal of curiosity as Lex was shoved into the room. He’d figured the last seat was for someone important, but, now that he got a look at the guy, he couldn’t help but laugh a little to himself and wonder who made a captain out of him. There had to be some reason, even if it was just some military planner looking at a list and rolling some dice. Actually, that was probably it. He decided to stop zoning out and listened to the military guy give his little talk. He couldn’t really see him, though, because his head was hardly above the level of the table. Also among the group were quite a few femmes fatales, which held no sway over Suno, although he was looking forward to seeing what they might effect among the other members of their species. Speaking of which, they were about the Captain’s age and should be in their prime. Nope, he thought to himself, following the hulking military type’s gaze. That one’s definitely not human. And what has she been thinking about this whole time? Better not to be counting on someone who does that much daydreaming. He’d all but forgotten the anklets. That brought him back to the fact that his feet didn’t touch the floor, which was sort of annoying him. Oftentimes, he’d just stand or kneel in chairs, but the guards seemed a little too gruff to warrant asking if that was alright, let alone just doing it. The mission really wasn’t that important to him, just as it wasn’t to the man who described it. He’d already concluded that the only kinds of missions they were going to be on were ones too risky for any normal unit. Really, it was kind of tame. They could’ve just been told to “invade a star” or something just as blatantly suicidal. And now everyone was going around introducing themselves. Suno tried to make a note of each name, but he didn’t expect much of himself. The captain was Lex, who seemed like a pretty nice guy, though absolutely not what he was expecting. Drew seemed likeable and maybe even someone worth depending on. The military-type prick who, by the looks of him, had something small and worth hiding in his pants, turned out to be called Jorman. Suno decided “Mr. Overcompensation” fit him better, though. The introductions kept moving around the table. Suno only caught the end of what he said, but that Thomas guy was a certified looney; he must have had some serious skills to get him on here. Either way, Suno wasn’t letting the guy near him. Then the second femme fatale was up, who definitely wasn’t mentally normal. Definitely some sort of empathic disorder, probably at least three homicides. He hadn’t even realized the woman sitting next to him wasn’t, technically speaking, a human. Or at all. He thought she’d just been quiet, not a science project gone wrong. She was kind of endearing, though. The humans probably would be creeped out by how uncanny she was, but he didn’t have the same issue. He was up. He nodded at the android, and looked around the group. “Suno Lisuli.” He said simply and slowly. He smiled and turned to Lex while the introductions continued.