Okay, so yeah, Kiku is her given name. I guess it gets a bit confusing considering that surnames usually come first in Japanese and there's like no consensus on which order it should go. I added a few spells that would work with her being the youngest of the bunch as well as an explanation of how I'm going to work in exertion. I got rid of the weapon traits and put in descriptions of spells to better explain what I was going for. The idea is now that she has skills to protect herself and deal damage, but she can only do one at a time. Being a jack of all trades was more about how she develops new spells, she doesn't choose offense over defense or vice versa, but that means that she can't develop high level skills unless she decides that offense is more important than defense (or vice versa). I'm going to see how the RP goes before she decides which is more important. I tweaked her laziness to make it more like "I don't have anything I want to do, hit me up whenever" instead of "I don't want to do anything, don't bother me" Her recklessness is more putting herself at risk than anyone else, so I think Gvn can give it a slide and she definitely doesn't drink while on duty. She's less reserved than before she joined, mostly because of the closeness of the Correctors. I put that at the end of her back story. Sorry for making an edgy loner character. XP I wrote it half-asleep and it definitely didn't sound that fun this morning. I also changed her corrector portrait. Will add more spells through roleplay as the need arises.