Arcadius would have shrugged if he had been able, he would have waved his hands. He would have pulled several fingers! HE would have done a variety of things the fact is that he [i]couldn't[/i]. "I have a simple request, I am sure it is entirely within reason. I tdoes not include theft, debauchery, murder, pain or anything like that. Which is rather surprising when you think about it technically I've not slept with a woman in well over... a very long time. Though I'm not exactly sure that's entirely possible anymore." He stopped for a minute, seeming to be thinking. "I suppose you could do it to a certain degree. It'd be a bit pointy and I don't think I could get much fun out of it. Though I suppose theres a certain appeal for someone who doesn't tyre out." He stopped again. "Gives a whole new meaning to [i]boning[/i] someone." Arcadius chuckled, shaking as he did so. "Oh what were we talking about? Oh yes. REWARDS. I want my body back, and some nice clothes. Preferably a [i]hat[/i]. Do you have hats here in the future? Or are they out of fashion? Antiques possibly? If so I still want one. My head feels naked, though technically I'm naked all over me. Wherever the rest of me is..." "What do I have to do again?"