[center][h1]Midorimacchi & Azalea[/h1] +[b]SHINJI[/b]+ Shinji still had connections with the mafia. "Show me what you've got." demanded the young man, and the gentlemen behind the counter took the cigarette out of his mouth. He looked at Shinji for a moment, wondering why a high schooler needed so many weapons. But, like all Mafioso that dealed with his business, the kid swore an oath never to harm him, the great weapons dealer Yamamoto. So as long as he was safe, what did he care what this kid did with the stuff he sold...? "I'll take that sword." asked Shinji, staring at one behind the counter. "That halberd, too." This was another reason why Yamamoto didn't mind doing business with this kid: he usually asked for weapons nobody else wanted. While Yamomoto thought to himself, Shinji didn't know why this adult was moving so slow. "Old man!" he addressed to the 35-year old, "What the hell are you waiting for, do you want my damn business or not?" He was getting irritated at Yamamoto for silently thinking to himself for the past five minutes. +[b]SUNAKO[/b]+ Sunako flipped through channels of the tv in the lounge, with Shinji's Pikachu robot sitting next to her. He usually left it behind whenever he went to go pick up weapons from who knows where. Her favorite drama already finished and it was getting pretty late, but Sunako wanted to stay up and wait for the new roommate to arrive. She thought about putting on her "cat earphones" and listen to music, but then she might not here them knock. "Hm...It’s almost twelve." she mumbled, worried. The new guy nor Shinji had arrived yet. πŸ’” πŸ’” πŸ’” πŸ’” πŸ’” πŸ’” πŸ’” πŸ’” +[b]FLEANCE[/b]+ Fleance's taxi stopped right infront of the dorm he was supposed to be staying at. He climbed out of the car and stared up at the four story dorm. From what it said on his welcome letter, there were only a few other kids staying here. So why was it so big? But Fleance wasn't complaining; he liked large houses. It reminded him of home.....ah...home. Fleance pushed those emo thoughts away as he shook his head, pulling his suitcase out of the taxi. By this time, the driver had already gotten out and was opening the trunk for the rest of his luggage. It wasn't like he had a lot of clothes; it was all of his mangas really. The school he would be attending had uniforms, so it wasn't like he needed an abundant of clothes. So it gave him the perfect excuse to bring his mangas along with him. Fleance thanked the man in the best Japanese he knew and took hold of all of his luggage, wondering how he would get all of the cases up the steps leading to the dorm's doors.Five minutes later, all four bags were sitting on the floor infront of the door with a very tired Fleance leaning against them. He needed to work out more. That was for sure. Once he recovered, he lightly tapped on the door, suddenly feeling nervous. +[b]MOMO[/b]+ Momo watched Sunako from afar, making sure to keep out of sight. He tried not to make a sound because as far as she and that damned robot pikachu knew, he was fast asleep in his bed like the twins were. He watched silently as she flipped through the channels. With Shinji gone and the twins asleep, this was Momo's perfect chance to strike up a conversation with her. And he was almost going to do it too! But as soon as he cleared his throat and stepped out of his hiding place, a knock came from the door and Sunako rose to answer it. " Damn it," He muttered, closing his eyes and dropping his head. Would the heavens ever allow him to be happy? [/center]