[h2]GEOGRAPHY[/h2] [b]How does this world differ physically from earth?[/b] Wiz only has one body of water and five large bodies of land. It is also a lot smaller. [b]Does it have more than one sun or moon?[/b] There is only one sun, and it’s called Suneria, but is commonly shortened to ‘The Sun’ (sooo original). There are also five moons in Wiz’s orbit and they are named, Resce, Micainn, Barnhayet, Palosol and Pyrehino. [b]Rings?[/b] No [b]Are there spectacular constellations/comets, etc. visible at night or by day?[/b] At night, pink cosmic clouds can be seen. They are remnants of a star that imploded thousands of years ago and now is a permanent fixture in their night sky. There is only one star visible during the day and it is a north circumpolar star, visible no matter where you are on the planet. It is named Zoroaster and some believe that that is where Oz resides. [b]How are the continents laid out?[/b] They are named how they are laid out: North, South, East and West. The Main City is, you guessed it, in the middle of it all. [b]If there is more than one moon/sun, how does this affect winds, tides, and weather generally?[/b] Suneria is always in the Southern hemisphere so the East and South have sunshine for most of the year. The North, on the other hand, rarely ever sees the sun and it is seen as a blessing when it does. Since the Main City is in the middle, it receives the regular four seasons. [b]How much land is there, and how much of it is habitable?[/b] A good portion of Wiz is habitable and many cities have sprung up in the South and East. The West is a rural wasteland where it’s pretty much a free-for-all. Dangerous monsters and rouge bandits are said to live there, so most wizards stay away. The least populated continent is the North and only the strongest, toughest people still live there. The borders of the North are were most of the population lives, and as you get further north, the less population there is. Only the Labor Camps are located at the pole where conditions are unbearable and the sun only shines twice a year.