[h2]GENERAL[/h2] [b]In which geographical areas will the story take place?[/b] The Main City and The Under are the two major locations. Leeland is on a journey from the East to the Main City, but other than those, the other continents will only be mentioned. [b]How much ground will the story cover?[/b] Most likely only the Main City, and all its districts, and The Under, and all its districts. [b]What are the most striking features of landscape, climate, animals, etc. in this area? [/b] The Main City is the home of the King and the Royal Family, so it’s bound to have marvelous statues and buildings, all crafted by the best. The pathway leading from the Castle to the Council is a sight to behold itself and many travel from out of town just to look at it. The Church of Oz is also located in the Main City and its a large spectacle on the southside of the city. The Council, while not the most beautifully crafted building in the city, it is the largest and highest. It is said that it can be seen from the top of the mountains in the West. The Royal Castle is the highest quality building in all of Wiz and there is a price of 50 bells just to look at it.