WORK IN PROGRESS Name: Thomas Wayne, Junior Alias: Owlman Height: 6'2" Weight: 210 Appearance: [img][/img] [img][/img] Abilities: [b]Intimidation[/b]:It is widely known that Owlman has the ability to instill fear in others, even the people that know him best are intimidated by him. [b]Interrogation & Torture[b]: Owlman is a master interrogator, using either his terrifying reputation, law enforcement interrogation methods, or outright torture to get information. [b]Master Hand to Hand Combatant[/b]: Thomas has spent years training all over the world from the greatest combatants his world had to offer. As such, he is an extremely capable fighter, and is on par with Batman, widely considered to be the best martial artist of his world. [b]Peak Human Conditioning: Through intense training, specialized diet, and biofeedback treatments, Owlman represents the pinnacle of human physical prowess. His strength is such that he routinely bench presses 1000 lbs, and his reflexes are such that he can dodge point blank gunfire and even catch one of Green Arrow's arrows. [b]Weaponry[/b]:Through his martial arts training, he has become an expert on all melee weapons. Wayne has displayed exceptional sword fighting capability and proficiency with knives, sticks and various other weapons, but prefers unarmed combat. [b]Stealth[/b]: A master at stealth, he is capable of breaching high security facilities without being detected. [b]Marksmanship[/b]: Wayne is an expert marksman skilled. He is skilled with throwing projectile weapons, archery and firearms. [b]Genius Level Intellect[/b]: Thomas is known on his earth as the World's greatest criminal,and indeed, he backs it up. He is fluent in several languages, has total recall, and is on par with Batman in terms of detective skills. History: Thomas Wayne, Jr was born on Earth 3 to Doctor Thomas Wayne, Senior and his wife, Martha. Thomas Sr. was a doctor, and a corrupt one at that. He regularly took bribes, and often killed patients for the fun of it. Martha was a high class call girl, who regularly took johns home and serviced them while she made her husband watch. Thomas Jr. was the first to be born, and he was also the family favorite. Martha tried desperately to hide her whoring quiet from her baby boy, and Thomas Sr. worked to make sure that his son only saw him as a philanthropist and buisnessman, and not the drug addicted, corrupt doctor that he was. After a while, though, the novelty of the firstborn wore off, and when Thomas was 3, Bruce was born. Bruce became the new darling of the family, and Thomas was shuffled off to the side. Alfred, the family butler, from London, took pity on Thomas, but as he learned of the boy's intellect, and cunning, the pity swiftly changed into lifelong servitude. When Thomas was 11, and Bruce was eight, the Wayne family was bleeding money like a sieve. Thomas Sr. was throwing away thousands of dollars at lawyers trying to avoid malpractice suits, and Martha was paying bribes to the GCPD to make sure that she didn't have a criminal record. At the same time, Wayne Enterprises was on the verge of declaring bankruptcy thanks to the bad publicity from Thomas Sr. Young Thomas Jr., however, had a plan. He had decided to kill his family. So, putting this plan into motion, he acquired a gun from Alfred. That Sunday, as the Waynes were walking out of the theater, having just watched Zorro, Thomas turned on his family, and fatally shot Martha as she squabbled with her husband over their failing finances. Her pearls crashed to the ground, and with another loud bang, Thomas Wayne, Senior joined his wife. Bruce, horrified over his brother's actions, wrestled his brother to the ground, trying to fight for control of the gun, when he himself was shot, this time by Alfred. As Thomas,Jr.sat there, his mother's pearls dipped in her blood, his father's glasses broken on the ground, his baby brother dead, he cried. It was the first, and last time he would shed tears in his lifetime. An owl hooted down at him, and he would later recall that it seemed as if its hooting shrieked of questioning, asking who are you? Grief and remorse were the two emotions most prevalent in the young Thomas Wayne, Junior. He was sunken and slightly withdrawn, but no less the boy genius he had been prior to the death of his family. He wondered what had driven him to this point, and he knew, to an extent, that it wasn't money; Sure, money had been the motivating factor then, but in the now, it gave him no comfort. It was crime, he reasoned, evil, even, that drove him to do what he had done. So then, he thought, if crime is what drove me to kill my father, mother and brother, then crime is what I must control. Setting about with new purpose, he fired all of his tutors and began to teach himself on an accelerated rate, finishing high school by the time he was 14. By the time he was 18, he graduated college with honors, in multiple degrees, including criminal science. At 18, Thomas left Gotham and began to travel the world, learning from the best in martial arts, marksmanship, parkour, the art of deception, stealth, murder, and so much more. He traveled from England to France to Japan, literally all over the globe learning the skills that would serve him well in later life. When he was 27, he returned home to Gotham, where the press hailed him as the Prodigal son. Thomas quickly set about restoring Wayne Enterprises, now calling itself Gotham Solutions, to its former name and glory. He quickly became the richest man in Gotham, if he wasn't already. At the same time, the multibillionaire was also setting about forging the hold on Gotham that he would later be extremely feared for. Yet, frustratingly, he was unable to do so as a normal, everyday criminal. The GCPD was so lax, and the criminals were so overconfident, that there was nothing to fear of a normal, everyday man. One night in particular was exceptionally brutal, and he crawled back to his manor, bleeding on his brother's favorite chair in the study, contemplating, when an owl smacked across the window, wings spread. It hit him. Criminals are a cowardly, and superstitious lot. Give them something to fear, and they'll respond accordingly. Thus, that night, Owlman was born, and Thomas quickly started using his vast wealth to set up the cave beneath his home as his base of operations, fashioning his owlsuit from a kevlar-titanium mix. He turned the cave into a veritable underground bunker, fashioning his weapons by himself. A year later, Owlman made his debut, decimating 10 of then-Mob boss Carmine Falcone's best men, claiming Falcone's days were numbered and that Gotham was his. The first year for Owlman saw him waging a war on Falcone's operations for control of Crime Alley, nightly killing Falcone's men, and disrupting the organized crime operations Falcone had. Alfred disapproved of Thomas' activities as Owlman, but nonetheless, he continued, eventually decimating all but Falcone's estate. Alberto,Falcone's son, went insane thanks to the sheer pressure Carmine was placing on him, and the stress vented as bullets into Carmine's head. For robbing Owlman of the chance to kill the Roman himself, Owlman sliced open Alberto's throat and left the owlrang in Alberto's throat. With the death of Carmine "The Roman" Falcone, the city's organized crime splintered. Half of the city was divvied up between the other four families, and Carmine's former territory-Crime Alley, The Bowery-Was now Owlman's. Year two saw the advent of the costumed freaks that would come to be known by Alfred as Owlman's "Rogue's Gallery." The first of them was The Joker. A psychopathic madman and anarchist seeking to free Gotham from all forms of control, starting with the GCPD. Killing honest cops like Rupert Thorne, and Arnold Flass, Joker sent the city into a state of panic; which only worsened as riots started,lootings, and the GCPD-corrupt, and veering on the edge of inept-was overwhelmed. The Commisioner, Gillian B. Loeb, declared a state of emergency, and the Government sealed off the city. Owlman, displeased with the fact that not only was the Joker violating the entire balance of power that he had been working to make, had been working to [i]control[/i], stepped in to make sure that the crime that plagued his city, was back under his control. Blackmailing Loeb into submission, he turned the GCPD into his own personal army, temporarily. The GCPD worked-a rarity in the years to come-to make sure that the street crime was dropping down to a manageable level, while Owlman called out the Joker directly. He and the psychopath battled viciously, before the Joker escaped to Arkham on a rigged trial. The next two and a half years saw Owlman fighting more of his rogues, strengthening his chokehold on Gotham; by the end of this term there was nothing he did not have a hand in, no one he couldn't intimidate, kill or bribe. He found allies in Ultraman, and the rest of the Crime Syndicate. Working with the Team, he took on way bigger threats than he would have by himself. Yet, this was not to last. One moment, he was finally killing the Joker, after five years of fighting, and the next, his city was [b][i][u]burning[/u][/i][/b]. He couldn't save it, couldn't salvage his home, anything of his operations. All he had left was his suit, and whatever was in his utility belt, and billions in burnt cash. Ultraman filled him in on what had happened; how their entire world was shattered, obliterated into nothing but barely livable ash. But they had a plan; a plan that would give them a new home, a new world. And so, with that, the events of Forever Evil were launched, but even as they happened, the ever cautious, and tactician Thomas began to plan for a future where they lost, amassing wealth and operations similar to those that he had back on his world, even from prison. Already he had plans to renovate a former military bunker near Gotham into his new Owlcave.