Hello there, welcome to my interest check. I prefer to keep these short and sweet, so prepare yourself for short and sweet. I am a casual and above writer, I match the amount (typically) of my partner. I love to create both male and female characters, so typically my preference is to double up. Romance is typically an element I prefer to have in my stories, but it is never the main plot/struggle, merely an accent to help drive the plot. That being said, I prefer to roleplay with mature content. By that I mean grittier stories which could but not exclusively involve gore, language, death, intimacy, injury, illness, sacrifice, violence, or other content which may or may not fall into the 'mature' category. Why do I like roleplaying like this? I find these elements along with other not so severe topics help to develop characters and stories. Although I appreciate these 'real' elements, I do also like incorporating them into fantasy settings. I only roleplay through PMs, solely based on personal preference. I also try to respond as often as possible. I would love a partner who can attempt the same, and help to drive the plot forward! Life is first, creative writing second by a close margin. I believe that is everything, feel free to ask about anything else! As for the plots and characters, I have a few current cravings/interests at the moment. My current interests all have plots and characters attached. Below that I may list a few other areas of interest just to see what flows my way. To repeat a previously established point, I prefer to double up. Simply put, I play a male and a female (actually, I almost always play more than that ^.^) and you put forth a male and female to be the romantic (usually) counterparts in a MxF pairing. If you do not wish to play a female, that is fine with me. However, if you wish to solely play a female, it may take a bit more convincing. (Entirely dependent upon the plot). Speaking of plots, here are my ideas/cravings! [s][b]Guardians of the Galaxy/Jupiter Ascending/ Hitchhiker'sGthG/Star Wars-[/b][/s] Long list, gives you the general feel. Originally I was in search of a 'Starlord' character for my female, and then I wanted to make my own Guardians team. We can discuss plot specifics together, but mainly this involves adventure, bantering, space, planet exploring, stealing ect. I would love a 'Starlord' male (if you want to play Starlord himself, be my guest!) If you wish to play a female as well, she can be anything you'd like, even a counterpart to my male bounty hunter. Possibilities are as vast as space...Yes, I went there. [s][b]Howl's Moving Castle/Steampunk/Magic-[/b][/s] More of a specific idea, this is mainly a beautiful rip off of Howl's Moving Castle. Magic is known in this steampunk type city, denounced by those who fear it's unpredictable mystique, embraced by those rebellious enough to go against this ever changing society, and seen as a weapon by those too corrupt. Many noble families are magic born, and hide/downplay this gift when working and interacting in the ranks. However, whispers of a not so pleasant nature are emerging and some magic born noble families are being targeted for assassination. One such family, the Montclairs, send off their children to seek refuge with an old family friend (The sort of Howl in this story). The story then blossoms there, with the magic families in danger, the emotionally unstable Queen barking out more orders for extinction of the magic nobles, romantic connections between my character, 'Howl's' apprentice, and then eldest daughter of the Montclairs, (your lovely girl) and between the Montclair's Nanny (my female) and 'Howl', your male. Much more can be added to this, all up for discussion! [b]Percy Jackson/Demigods-[/b] Enough said about this idea, and I actually lied about having a plot for this one (sorrrryy!) Basically, I want to make up some original characters. They can be attending camp half-blood, but I was thinking of having this be darker, grittier. Mythology is messy, and monsters are nasty. Great fun with this one. My Main characters are a daughter of Apollo and Son of Dionysus, among many others! Do inquire :) I shall post other ideas later. That's fine for now. Thank you for reading.