[b]Dylan[/b] Dylan shook his head once more, to make sure he was feeling it right. The pain had gone. All he had heard was someone saying 'Don't worry, I can help.' and then the pain had gone with a simple touch. Dylan got up, still a bit wobbly on his legs. He looked up, and saw... a Shaymin, right? In any case, it spoke again, asking if he was alright, and who he was. Neither of which he really knew the answer to. He tried his best to answer though. "I... think I'm alright? I feel a bit off-kilter at the moment, and I don't really know what's going on. My headache's gone which I presume you helped me out with, so thanks for that". He paused before speaking again. "As for who I am, I'm... um... I... am...?" His headache came back slightly, though not as bad as before. Luckily, it seemed to go away quickly, as it was replaced by a thought. A name to be specific. "I'm Dylan! That's it!" Well, if he did have amnesia, at least he remembered something, even if it was small. But why was that all he could remember right now? It wasn't very helpful... As if to answer, his headache nagged on the side of his head, almost as if it were telling him not to press into it too much. He went with the less painful option as he looked back at the Shaymin. [b]Jade[/b] "So this must be a forest!" Jade had never been to a place like this. She only saw these areas in pictures and pictures in books. She had never seen so much floral life in one place before! She headed towards one of the trees making up the forest. It still felt odd, this body of hers. It was like a bunch of goo... it felt weird. And squishy. Like one of those things you squeeze and a bunch of round bubbly things come out, then go back in when you let go. She couldn't remember what it was called. Well, she didn't even know how she knew about it in the first place. It just kinda... popped into her head. Just like she had popped into this forest! At least, that's how she imagined it happened. Sorta like... POOF! Boom, forest! All she could remember was that she about to fall asleep in her bed when she, well, disappeared. Not all 'POOF'y like she thought she had appeared here, but kinda slowly. A bunch of nothing greeted her. She had tried to talk to it, but it only replied with bits and pieces of words. Then she saw black, and then... POOF! Forest! As she made her way to the tree, she looked around the forest. She didn't see anyone else, which seemed kinda odd. Maybe she couldn't see anyone because this place was so foreign. Or maybe everyone else was just playing hide-and-seek. The second idea sounded more fun. She called out to see if anyone was there. "Heeeeeelllllllllllllllooooooo??? Anyone out there?"