Alice rubbed her eyes slowly, trying to ease her vertigo from the impact of the fall. "Huh...? N-nice to meet you..." she said, not realizing that a legendary stood infront of her. "And what's your name...?" she asked. She was obviously still out of it, seeing that Wish had already introduced herself. She fell on her backside as her vertigo came back. She shook her head and regained focus, looking at the Jirachi with awe. "You're a Pokemon...?" she said, calmly at first. "You're a Pokemon!?" she said, starting to freak out. She shouldn't know if she should be scared or excited. She was so caught up with what was happening that she forgot to introduce herself. - Peirce looked at blue with confusion, as if what he just said was a riddle. Crux however, was already hiding himself behind a tree. He poked his head out so he could see what was going on. When Peirce finally processed what Blue had said, he gave him a joyful smile. "My name's Peirce!" he said happily, pointing to himself. "And that's my friend, Crux over there." he said, pointing to the head of an Absol poking out from behind one of the trees. "Hi..." Crux said quietly to the mew with a nervous smile on his face. "Uhh... nice to meet you!" Peirce said to Blue enthusiastically. He didn't have much else to say, so he looked at Blue, waiting for him to state his business.