[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NekcIgM.jpg[/img] [hider=Extra images!][img]http://i.imgur.com/nTPi71z.jpg[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ulj0VlR.jpg[/img][/hider] Height and Weight: 5,7ft 128lb [h1]Alice Murray[/h1] Age: 26 Gender: Female [h2]Powers[/h2] Black portal creation The user can create a black portal by drawing a any possible size and shape as long as the ends connect anywhere they want. It can be on a board on the wall or even in mid air. The portal looks like a flat black figure any shape on the outside but it leads to another portal that is also the same shape and size on the location the user desires. The portal can be anywhere in the entire universe but it takes a lot of energy in change of the range it is. The size of the portal also matters how much energy it takes to make the portal. White portal creation The user can create a white portal by drawing a any possible size and shape as long as the ends connect anywhere they want. It can be on a board on the wall or even in mid air. The portal looks like a flat white figure any shape on the outside but it leads to another portal that is also the same shape and size on the location the user desires. The portal can be made to travel to another dimension which the user desires. It takes about an hour to completely create the portal and it can't close till everything that went through the portal returns to its own dimension. It takes a great deal of energy to create a white portal and it can be only made once a day. Pink portal creation The user can create a pink portal by drawing a any possible size and shape as long as the ends connect anywhere they want. It can be on a board on the wall or even in mid air. The portal looks like a flat pink figure any shape on the outside but it leads to another portal that is also the same shape and size that is placed in a dimension she found herself. The dimension is a blank white room with nothing in it, everything you draw or think of will appear in that world. You can't die or get hurt in that universe and anybody can leave it at anytime by thinking of the pink portal. The time flows the same as in the real world so it doesn't give you a longer life or anything like that. [h2]Weapon[/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/k73GCTz.jpg[/img] [hider=Weapon portal creation mode][img]http://i.imgur.com/YpiyyOe.gif[/img] Sorry I can't find anything better, just ignore the giant big thing it created and imagine a coloured portal in the place for it.[/hider] [h2]Skills[/h2] Teaching drawing Teaching english Teaching mathematics Drawing Making Tea Cooking Mountain Climbing [h2]Hobbies[/h2] Reading Drawing Flower arranging Swimming Gardening Caving Traveling [h2]Personality[/h2] Alice is a very calm person in general, she uses words instead of violence to solve problems when she can do so. If it gets out of hand she isn't afraid to fight anyone she confronts. Alice is seen as a helpful and caring person by a lot of others and thinks of herself being like that too. She can be very patient around others and doesn't show a sign of frustration, she is very soft of nature but can get mad from time to time when someone doesn't do what she tells them to do, but she is willing to give second chances to mostly any soul. [h2]Background[/h2] To be added [h2]Optionals[/h2] Clearly know that she is british when anyone speaks to her for the first time. Theme song: Again [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHmCEbOvyFI[/url] Resonance [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_aK1QYZkNk[/url] Bury love [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3PZimT9eTQ[/url] Dreams: Travel across the world and other worlds[/center]