[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/nmNoeYj.png[/img] [u]Nation Name[/u] Machki [u]Government[/u] The head of Machki is usually run by the Emperor with the help for the Empress and the Council. The government is an absolute monarchy, where the Emperor has no limits on what he does towards the Council and anything else. Although, there are rumors that the Council is pushing for a constitutional monarchy with the support of the Emperor's three sons and one daughter. WIP [u]Economy[/u] WIP [u]Leader(s)[/u] WIP [u]Important People[/u] WIP [u]Desired Map location[/u] [url=http://imgur.com/PKYzijA.png]Machki is located below the New World, touching the borders of Ossmon Empire, the Chee Nation, and the Consanguity of the Dartha.[/url] [u]Important Locations[/u] WIP [u]Cultural Overview[/u] WIP [u]Technology Overview[/u] WIP [u]Military Overview[/u] WIP [/center]