[quote=@Mahz] This is awesome. :bow GM Figen :bow [/quote] holy praise from Mahz [quote=@Aeonumbra] [@figen] I was serious. You inspired e to do one. [/quote] Oh cool, thanks [quote=@Melkor] >Move.player "Melkor" North >Interact.player "Melkor" with "Hunter_1" >Cast "Mind Trap" on "Hunter_2" >Command "Hunter_2" attack.nonplayer "Hunter_1" [/quote] "The hunter stops for a moment, but then begins to walk toward his partner. However, the weak power of the default staff is not enough to control him. He soon struggles back into reality. The first hunter readies his bow, while the other brandishes a dagger, and stumbles toward you, still recovering from the spell. The dog is now alert and is barking. You have only a moment to react." [img]http://s30.postimg.org/4xko44bsh/realmap.png[/img] [quote=@Aeonumbra] [@figen] >player.cast "Wave of Fire" @Target."Slimes" [/quote] "The surprise attack singes a slime, and sends it flying from the blast, it is clearly defeated. The rest are wounded, but scatter and begin attacking guards. The smallest one turns and prepares to jump at you." >player.attack(targets.slime.largest) "The sword enters the largest slime, severly wounding it." [img]http://s2.postimg.org/sn8pd6me1/mapowhatia_hypowhatia_its_hypothermia_you_imbeci.png[/img] (I changed the grass color so the slimes would be visible in the grass)