Oliveia listened intently to her new Alpha. He was naturally given to leadership. On paper he had all the desirable traits. Data was flooding into Oleanders mind and she was having trouble discerning what were her own observations or something else. She had information suddenly about her crewmates that she herself had not gathered. She could only logically conclude that she was being given this information via a secure download, most likely from her superiors. Bits of information were missing but she was able to form files on each person. Reviewing the available data she spoke aloud to Lex. "While both would prove adequate, previous flight data points toward the being designated as Rose being A more qualified pilot. I can sight 23 instances where he displayed above average reaction time and twelve in which he" She paused for a second to formulate a human analogy "Thought on his feet. Amelia's Dossier accounts several instances where-in she bucked authority. This being said, her military bearing might make her more suitably reliable in conventional terms" Oliveia Scanned the room trying to discern whether her input was well received. She was trying to be helpful to her unit. "I can sight these references on a case by case basis if you would like, Sir" She added, suddenly feeling embarrassed though she was not sure why. Sometimes her body felt the emotions before she had context in which to understand them.