[h2]General Information[/h2] [center][b]Pairing[/b] Prince (Ghost) and Servant (Tene) [b]Plot[/b] When the king lost his life to illness, his eldest son, Elliot became the king at the age of 15. As history shows, putting a teenager in a position of power almost never ends well, and Elliot was no exception. He became obsessed with power and money. The only thing standing in his way of taking complete control of the kingdom was his mother, who had quite a bit of power in the monarchy. The people trusted her and her word above that of their new king. It wasn't long before she died of mysterious circumstances. Rumors of the king poisoning his own mother ran rampant throughout the entire kingdom. Elliot brushed them off, feigning grief over the death of both his parents in such a short time. Once the air settled, Elliot began raising the taxes on the lower classes. Food grew scare outside the castle walls while the nobility was spoiled with luxuries. Whenever he was questioned, Elliot would claim divine right and blame the hardships of the kingdom on the lower classes. The whole kingdom had completely forgotten about the old king's second son and Elliot's younger brother, but he would become a public spectacle in due time. With Elliot married (a political move) and expecting a child, he decided that it was time his younger brother got married as well, if only to ease tensions with a neighboring kingdom.[/center] [h2]Character Sheet[/h2] Name: Age: Species: Occupation: Appearance: * Personality: Background: Ambitions: Fears: Other: * I always include a physical description of the character, whether or not I have a picture, and I'd appreciate it if you did the same!