Silas listened to what his superior officer had to say and decided his judgement was pretty sound on his choice of pilots. Having done a bit of reading up on a few of his squadmates he could only think of one other besides himself who could fly. That scar face fellow named Pask. Just then Oliveia spoke up and she - or "it" decided that Rose would be best suited to piloting the ship. Silas grinned when she mentioned sighting off each reference but held back any laughter. He stood up from his chair and moved to the position of parade rest before speaking as was common courtesy to do before speaking to a superior officer. "Sir, I am in agreement with Oliveia. [i]She[/i] seems to have all the information we need in terms of who should be chosen." Silas put special emphasis on the word she. He didn't mean to say it that way. He doesn't want to insult anyone. He returned his gaze to Lex. "I'd be more than capable of providing assistance with the ships weapon systems. Although, I strongly prefer combat to remain on the ground sir." Silas remained standing awaiting his squads reaction to what has been said. He kept trying to convince himself that working with a group wouldn't be so bad. He would just have to adapt. Realizing he was still standing at parade rest he snapped back to attention just as he had done so many times before and returned to sitting.