[B]New Light University - 4 and.... something[/B] How fast time passed while one was talking with their friends, yes. Touko's classes had already finished, but she was talking and gossiping with some of her friends after school. It was a good way to kill off time, of course, but she still like wasting her time in other ways, aside from drawing manga... Like reviving her chuunibyo from when she was still in Japan. It was fun to go back to pretending she was a vampire again, from time to time. Just like today, that she was playing around while moving stealthily through the shadows, avoiding the sun rays. She had a satissfied look in her face, no, more like an accomplished one, as she moved through the shadows of buildings. [color=00a651]"Kuh.... So, the society is still after me for my betrayal, huh? I can't afford to let my guard down, not even for a moment."[/color] She said, overlooking her accent completely while she was playing around. Though she felt the rigors of being an adult from time to time, she still had enough time to fool around like this. She had the day off from her part time work and the deadlines for the new doujinshi were far, far away. [color=00a651]"And to think that my own kin would go after me...."[/color] She continued on crawling across the wall of a building, until she heard a familiar voice and stopped right on her tracks, with a surprised face and a ridiculous pose. [B]"Touko? What are you doing over there, Touko!"[/B] A girl, from across the street, called Touko's name. Touko quickly straightened out and adopted a normal pose, before her friend could catch up on what she was doing. The girl looked to both sides of the street before hurrying to Touko's side. [B]"Hey there, Touko! Um, what are you doing?"[/B] She still tilted her head, as Touko's eyes swam around and her face blushed furiously. She just hoped that her friend didn't catch up on what she was doing, it'd definitely creep her out. She wasn't a middle schooler any longer, after all. [color=00a651]"Oh, nothin', nothin'. Dun' mind me."[/color] Touko said, going back to her usual self. [color=00a651]"Anyhow, what's up? Weren' ya in class 'till 4:30 or somethin'?"[/color] Her friend looked disheartened. She just couldn't believe her friend was so much of an idiot. Well, being an idiot was one thing, but being such an idiot that you actually forget the time and can't even associate two events with each other. It was sad, very much so. [B]"It's already 4:47 already, you know? I got out of class a while ago."[/B] Touko looked really surprised, so much, it even irritated her friend. [B]"Don't give me that and just look at your damn wristwatch!"[/B] [h2][/h2] [B]Touko's Apartment - 6:00 PM[/B] After talking with her friend, and getting something to eat too, Touko finally got to her apartment. She opened the door to her not at all modest house, it actually looked more like a penthouse rather than a normal apartment. She took her bag off her shoulder and threw it away somewhere, making sure it wouldn't hit anything and making it land safely on the sofa of the living room. [color=00a651]"Tadaima~"[/color] Touko said, after stepping into her house and taking her shoes off. Some habits died hard. [color=00a651]"Yeah, right, I dunno what I was expectin'. It'd actually be terrifyin' if someone answered."[/color] Touko walked all the way to her bedroom. She turned on the lights and before she knew it, she was already falling face first to the bed. It was comfortable, really comfortable. The bed felt as if it was pulling her towards it, kind of like a magnet. [color=00a651]"Nooo.... I've to work on that script, or they'll come 'ere and bark at me..."[/color] She still lived in the USA and not in Japan, though, but her circle was vicious, they'd fly all the way to her house just to scold her for not hurrying up. [color=00a651]"No, I really need to at least complete the cover."[/color] She was now decided, as she hopped to a side of her bed. After yawning and rubbing her eyes, she finally stood up and walked all the way to her work desk. She sat there, feeling a bit drowsy, but she had to get on with things. She took a pencil in her hand, put a sheet of paper right in front of her and started drawing. Her hand moved around the page with a lot of dexterity, and soon, the drowsiness left her. Well, she could work on the cover until she felt like it, and it was better than doing nothing.