[u][i][b]In the Hallway between the compartments.[/b][/i][/u] [i][b](Alaric confronts Zeva between compartments 3 and 4)[/b][/i] [b]Zeva [/b]said nothing, and scowled at Alaric. Despite his younger years, he and Zeva were exactly the same height. She reacted to his threats quickly. She lurched forward and closed the distance between them in quick steps, giving the boy a hard shove into his chest. [i][b](Meanwhile Nathaniel stands looking toward the conflict between compartments 5 and 6 while Charlotte and Caelum peak out from compartment 5)[/b][/i] Nathaniel looked back at the first year apprehensively. “Maybe I’ve judged the kid too harshly. Maybe he overheard that foul word in the station, [i]didn’t know [/i]what it meant.” He sighed deeply and pulled out his cards, shuffling them nervously. He noticed the two first years looking out from their compartment. There seemed to be an unusual number of first years in this particular car. It happened this way every year. By the second year everyone kept clear of the schools most territorial sports team. He looked toward the girls. “What do you think?” Then he drew a card from the deck, considering it deeply. Had he been talking to the girls or the deck? “Looks like we’re on our own for this one.”