"I understand Rose, if you don't want the position then you don't have to take it. Also, you all don't need to call me 'sir', we're not really enlisted soldiers in the military. You can just call me Lex, no need to be that formal." He said to the group with a smile. "Thanks for the input as well. Makes my job easier when the people I'm supposed to captain give honest opinions," He said, scratching his head before glancing at Oliveia. "You know the ship has its own personal AI, Oliveia? I don't know how advanced it is but I figured I should bring it up to you since you are one as well, though when I walked into the room I thought you were a human." He said with a grin before he looked at Amelia. His attention turned to Ro'Essel as she popped out of her seat and introduced herself and more. He rose his eyebrows in curiosity at the gesture, but a smile appeared on his face as he spoke towards her. "You sound like your skills will fit in great with the crew, Ro'Essel. I'm not really sure if we can do a skills test though, I don't know if we have the time nor means to properly do that. I appreciate the honesty in bringing up the idea, though." He said then looked at Amelia. "The position is yours if you'll have it." He said to her.