Ooh... Interest, even if partially because over the past few months I've seen one of my favourite fantasy settings systematically destroyed as part of some big event but hey. ...But actually interested in the idea for reasons other than spite for the End Times, so yeah. World building's always fun. XD Little busy right now so I'll get back to you with ideas later but yeah. EDIT: Well, I suppose first thing to do would be to decide whether we're focusing on geography or cultures first, I guess. Do we grab a map and work out stuff from what's on it, or do we figure stuff out about races and civilizations and then try to find a map that fits? Hmmm. Speaking of races, do we go with the generic four races (to start with, at least) most fantasy settings go with (humans/dwarfs/elves/orcs, or at least their equivalents), or something different? ...If it's the former, I am not sure if it would be a good idea for me to go anywhere near the elves, since I will either try my hardest to make them not be the pointy eared mary sues that inhabit so many fantasy worlds or just turn them into racial supremecists because exaggerating their most common flaw (arrogance) is something I am guilty of doing from time to time. ^^; Hmmm... But yeah, want to see if this gets more interest and what everyone else thinks before I start going into too much depth, eheh.