Toqir Fogg’s heart skipped a beat as Chris called his name next, the camera panning to face him as he stood and disembarked the boat as quickly as he could. Already he was nervous and whilst he was waiting he had wanted nothing more to browse the web on his phone as he usually did whenever he wanted to distract himself. As quickly as he could he made his way towards the others, hesitating briefly as he wondered what he could say that would be clever or memorable like they had. “Eh... hey!” he half mumbled “this year’s season is mine!” Satisfied he blushed slightly before he made his way and stood beside the others, gazing at them as he realised that they all looked more determined than he did at this stage – also noticing that this year there were quite the number of pretty girls amongst the contestants. He averted his eyes as the next contestant was called, his heart still pounding from the excitement of it all. As Renée Windsor’s name was called she smirked and quickly made sure her hair was still perfect before she hopped off the boat concentrating on looking her best, as she walked slowly towards the others looking at each of them. As her gaze settled on their host Chris she winked and blew him a seductive kiss before she said to the camera “I’m just here to do my best!” she said with a giggle before she made her way to the front of the group, everything she did had been carefully considered beforehand. Looking back briefly she tried to smile at the others, first impressions and all. In reality she was sizing up the competition as she did so, disguising it as nothing more than happy curiosity as she examined everything within eyesight with her best innocent face the entire time. Lastly there was Delilah Green who hopped off the boat with a genuine look of amazement and excitement as she rushed over to Chris. She hesitated without knowing what to say and so just gave her best smile and waved awkwardly before she went to stand towards the back of the now quite sizable group. She felt a little overwhelmed but definitely excited. This was all so strange and she really didn’t know what to expect as out of habit she fiddle and twirled with the ends of her hair as she listened to Chris.