New Light University – 3:00 PM Alyss yawned, a large motion that caused her small mouth to gape much wider than what would seem possible. She flopped on to the libraries counter and promptly huffed to blow the ice white hair that had fallen over her eyes out of them. She was bored. She had finished classes for the day and was roped in to working the afternoon shift at the New Light Library…not that much of it was really new these days. The building was still to go through an upgrade and it sure as hell needed one. Alyss’ emerald eyes flicked up the lights that hung from the high arching ceiling and laughed “That’s so fucking 80’s it’s almost cool” she said to herself as she stared at the bright orange fabric that ensconced the lights as a way to diffuse the brightness “almost” she huffed once more, sending white hair back into its proper position: sticking up as if saying fuck off to gravity. She stretched out her legs and leaned back in the recliner, arms stretching up and causing the knuckles and joints in her back to pop with satisfying sounds. She grinned and settled down into the chair, pulling out a battered copy of Alice in Wonderland to read to pass the time. Alyss’ Apartment – 9:00 PM Alyss collapsed into her lounge after stumbling through her door. Kicking off thigh high boots was a problem easily rectified by laying down. She grinned a little and flexed her toes, happily sighing as she was now free from responsibilities for the rest of the day. She pouted slightly as she looked at the chipped pink polish on her toe nails and nodded to herself as she decided she would need to repaint them tomorrow…but this evening called for video games! She slid off the couch and changed quickly into her most comfortable oversized shirt before turning on her computer and launching Skype to annoy her friends on. Tonight’s game of choice was a MOBA. Alyss grinned and settled in for a long night.