[center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/a82d03b352fb3a3c83f28a0e63b92ef9/tumblr_nhxvlepLnv1qhyie4o1_r2_540.png[/img][/center] The journey to Bialya had been long and tiresome. After travelling within the Blackhawk helicopter for a few hours, they had landed in an almost abandoned landing strip where a cargo plane awaited them. Captain Boomerang kept to himself throughout the flight; discovering a crate of beer bottles in the back of the plane. He drank for the next couple of hours, toying with his boomerangs and reflecting as to what his life had come to. Taking orders from government officials in order to pay of his sentence. Honestly he hadn't seen that coming. To him, his time with the Rogues and battles with the Flash had all been a game; a couple of heists before eventually being busted by the Speedster, only to be sprung back out and for the process to repeat itself. It wasn't a bad life. It had its perks. He had friends (emphasis on the had), girls and even money. And oh did he have fun! The thrill was great and one of the reasons Digger longed to go back to it. Hours later, Boomerang found himself trailing behind his "squad" into what was apparently their safe house. The outside wasn't much to look at and when Digger arrived inside, he realized that the interior wasn't either. The room was dimly lit, with a table sitting in the centre of the room. Sat around it were two people he had seen on news weeks ago. One was obviously a more monstrous firestorm, costume being darker in colour that the original. The other one had a seriously Owl motif going on. Deathstorm and Owlman. Digger's eyes widened as he looked up to see their leader. Ultraman. Everyone remembers the first time they lay eyes on Superman. Your throat gets a little dry. You over think what you're going to say or do. This, meeting Ultraman, was much worse. Instantly Digger looked away, not wishing to even accidentally give the man a wrong look. Instead he turned his attention to the rest of the safe-house. In one corner stood a man clad in purple and black. Boomerang knew he had seen him somewhere before; so presumably this guy was bad news. Turning his head, he spotted someone working on what appeared to be a wall of computer servers. Since he was facing away, he didn't recognize him. Then Captain Boomerang spotted him. Cold. The man that was the reason he was here and not back to his life on the outside. For weeks Harkness had spent days pondering of what he'd do when he finally met the parka wearing prick again, from blasting him with his old Cold-Gun to smacking him in the gob. The Australian began to reach for a boomerang, his mind filled with anger when the door closed behind him and Amanda Waller's voice rang through the air. [i]"My name is Amanda Waller. And what I've done is brought you all here to do a task for me. You, as a team, are going to assassinate this woman Who goes by the name of Queen Bee. Her real name isn't known, but we do know that she has superhuman lieutenants she keeps on her. Your job is to capture or kill these lieutenants, shut down her nuclear weaponry, and assassinate Queen Bee. Your first step is to identify those lieutenants at a ball in your civilian Identities, so I suggest you start revealing yourselves to each other." [/i] Digger had to note that this was kind of cool. This was some secret agents shit right here! Since he had first seen a James Bond film he had wanted to do something like this. What followed was a small scale argument between Ultraman and Deathroke. It was the typically show of strength between two leaders, with the one-eyed mercenary targeting the monstrous Superman doppelganger. Digger was about to roll his eyes and complain about what a bunch of asses they were being when the room lit up red slightly as Ultraman melted away the gun aimed at his face. However this didn't faze the mercenary much, who merely produced what appeared to be a glowing grenade. As a result of this, Ultraman dropped him and spoke his name. Clark Kent? Never heard of him. As Deathstroke unmasked, Digger was once again surprised to see that he was so old, despite the man unmasking previously during the breakout. Slade Wilson. Huh. Boomerang kept note as the Crime Syndicate began their introductions. Clark Kent, Thomas Wayne Jr and Professor Martin Stein. This intrigued him, as if these guys were alternative versions of this world's own heroes then didn't that mean that they were basically learning the identities of their greatest foes? Digger grinned at the goldmine that was before him. Stepping forward, Digger opened his mouth to introduce himself. However, that was when the fighting began. Captain Boomerang watched, stunned, as Owlman dived forward, engaging Deathstroke. In seconds, Wilson was remasked and aiming a gun that Owl-brain's goolies. "What the bloody'ell are you fuckers doing?" Digger cried moving forward. With one hand held tightly on a boomerang just in case, Digger offered his other one to Owlman. "Th' names Captain Boomerang. Though I guess y' can call m' Digger Harkness." Giving the Crime Syndicate a weak smile, he spoke once more. "er... please don't hit me."