Drew listened intently to the introductions given by the rest of the crew. After all, if he was going to be in close quarters with all of these men and women, it was best that he get to know them sooner rather than later. Fortunately enough, he felt like in large part, he'd be able to get along with most of them. Despite the fact that certain members were, for lack of better word, unusual. And then it came to Oleander, as she'd introduced herself, Drew's interest was immediately piqued. She wasn't human, and that alone wasn't all that interesting to Drew, as much as the fact she wasn't alien either. Her last name, Oliveia, also rang bells. As in [i]the[/i] Oliveia, one of the top minds in cybernetics. Drew had no idea he'd been working on an AI. Let alone an AI that could pass as a human. Most androids were quite obviously androids at first glance. Oleander, though, he'd had no idea. And if she was here, but Oliveia wasn't, Drew had to wonder what had happened. Had she killed her creator? No, Drew definitely would have heard about something like that. Was she made for an illegal purpose? No, because her programming would be centered around that purpose, and she'd have introduced herself as such. More and more questions popped into Drew's head about her, and more and more went unanswered. Drew wasn't allowed the time to read up on his future crewmates before being introduced to them. But If there was any dossier he was going to skip over now, it certainly wouldn't be hers. Drew had to admit, though, that the idea of the systems tech being a Mesocricetian wasn't exactly exciting to him. He'd never actually dealt with one in the past, but he knew about them. His university days taught him about the behavioral inhibitors of human design. Mesocricetians were always on the verge of killing the thing next to them, even one of their own species. And judging by his introduction, this guy was far from being sociable. Unfortunately for Drew, it looked like the engineering bay was going to be a huge barrel of laughs. It was about then that Lex threw down the hologram on the table and asked for a ship pilot. With only two names offered forth, Drew didn't really have input. His impression of Rose and Amelia were about the same -- neither was someone he would place a lot of trust into for now. What excited him more was the ship itself. Honestly, Drew was impressed that the alliance would give them command of a craft as advanced as the Vigilance was. He would have jumped at any chance to be able to work with alliance tech, honestly, but the Vigilance itself seemed like a powerful craft for a smaller team such as this, and there was no expense spared. Should the hologram be accurate, and why wouldn't it be? Drew was going to have the time of his life just examining the craft, let alone working on it. Impending doom aside, he could think of worse places to die. And then suddenly the last crew member spoke up. Drew had assumed that Ro'Essel, as she called herself, was just shy. But that was certainly not the case, as her introduction was much longer than everyone else's. He was forced to try his absolute hardest to not laugh as she explained that she was blue in a completely serious tone. He didn't think less of her at all, in fact, the fact she was blue probably meant something. But it was totally lost on him, and she certainly wasn't acquainted with human conversation, that much was clear. Rose turned down the offer to pilot the craft, and so it fell to Amelia. Just as well, Drew thought, it wasn't likely he'd be near the bridge all that often, anyway. Drew leaned forward in his chair, [b]"So it's awesome that we have a pilot and all."[/b] he spoke up, [b]"but when are we gonna get on the ship? I'd like to actually see what I'm gonna be working with."[/b] he asked.