[centre][img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/bcadc5785692eb6342c3f3d66c531af6/tumblr_na16xoinL61s9628co7_400.gif[/img][/centre] [h2]Boston, Just before the conclusion of The Atlantean War[/h2] The cold rain smashed against the scorched earth. A man with blond hair dressed in orange Atlantean scale armour stood opposite his brother, similarly outfitted with purple scale armour and black hair. Their iron stares burned into each other, misguided hatred behind one, and sad recognition behind the other. The one in Orange finally broke the tension. "Orm, stop this madness!" he called out to the one in Purple above the roar of the storms that battered the surroundings. "The Surface was not responsible for the attack on Atlantis! Will you not listen to reason?" There is a moment of silence before Orm shouted back "Look at you, Orin! Or should I call you Arthur now? You parade around with a false name, playing the hero for a world that refuses to acknowledge you, their words have become as poisonous as their actions, they have turned you against your own people! Your own brother! You might as well change that name to Traitor!" At that moment Orm raised his royal trident and called down the lightning upon his brother. The bolt struck him at the speed of light, sending him flying into a flooded ruin. Recovering easily from the strike, Arthur threw his own trident, propelling it towards Orm, who then swatted it away like a fly. Abandoning his weapon, Arthur engaged Orm in hand-to-hand combat. Orm simply laughed "I'll amuse your desperate gamble, brother, but only out of honour." he declared, doing the same and dropped his own weapon before making his way towards Arthur. Each blow that was traded between them boomed like thunder, shattering whatever glass remained in the buildings around them as the Sons of Atlantis did battle. [h2]Bialya Safe house, Now[/h2] The door opened, and Orm Marius gazed up as, one by one, the other members of Beta Team trickled in. First through the door was a colourful man who moved at neck break speed, an unnerving, albeit interesting creature. After him was a soldier with one eye, which was followed by his similarly adorned heir. Behind them was a man clothed in an odd garb, brandishing even odder curved weapons. Finally, the last person to come in was a man, who for some reason that could only be attributed to some form of psychosis, was bedizened with a feline-based outfit. As soon as the group passed through into the room, the door extemporaneously shut and locked itself, and the sound of a voice spontaneously boomed across the room "My name is Amanda Waller. And what I've done is brought you all here to do a task for me. You, as a team, are going to assassinate this woman-" a screen flickered on to show their target "-Who goes by the name of Queen Bee. Her real name isn't known, but we do know that she has superhuman lieutenants she keeps on her. Your job is to capture or kill these lieutenants, shut down her nuclear weaponry, and assassinate Queen Bee. Your first step is to identify those lieutenants at a ball in your civilian Identities, so I suggest you start revealing yourselves to each other." Amanda Waller. That insufferable Dugong of a woman thought it was wise to send an Atlantean on a mission to a hostile desert nation? With their briefing over, the screen switched itself off. Orm turned to face Alpha Team, the other half of Task Force X. On their roster was what looked like two members of the Justice League; 'Batman', and 'Superman', only with slight differences to their uniforms, along with what looked like a flaming red and black Skeleton, a green Cyborg, what appeared to be an actual android fiddling away with some machine, and a young man wearing a sleeveless parka and strange eye wear. Orm had yet to introduce himself to either team. The one who looked like Superman flared up his heat vision in what appeared to be an empty threat to the one eyed Soldier and asked "Who are you, and who is your team?" Suddenly the Soldier pulled a gun on the faux-Superman, starting a stand-off that felt like it lasted for hours. Orm's eyes widened in surprise as 'Superman' melted the weapon with a single glance. Without warning he then picked up the Soldier with one hand like a child picks up a toy. "Do you know who I am?" he asked, as his eyes flared up again. Looking away from the altercation for a moment, Orm spotted the Batman analogue pulling back his cowl with composure to reveal black hair and blue eyes like his own, before fixing his gaze back to the quarrel. Orm admired how the Soldier remained tranquil despite his situation. "I don't know who you are, but I've met your good counterpart, Superman, and I gotta say I learned his weakness in an instant." he said as calm as his posture, before reaching for what appeared to be a grenade. Before anyone could react the grenade went off, but rather than exploding, it radiated a bright yellow light. The Soldier continued, "I call this a solar grenade. Turns out you and the Man of Steel look the same, but are genetically different. Drop me down and then we'll do the introduction." The Superman counterpart turned his face away from it and threw the Soldier across the room. The force of the attack was enough to produce a loud crack as Orm heard a few ribs go. The Soldier's heir withdrew her weapons, obviously preparing herself for an attack. The Superman counterpart turned back to the Soldier and mentioned what Orm assumed to be his own name "Clark Kent." In response the Soldier slowly detached his one-eyed mask to show that he was older than he appeared. That fascinated Orm enough to make him smirk. "Slade Wilson." the Soldier replied. The Batman analogue finally said something "Thomas Wayne, Junior. Deathstorm opposite me is Professor Martin Stein, and Grid is just Grid." Referring to himself, the flaming skeleton, android. "The others we don't know, but the rest of our team remains imprisoned. I'm sure you all remember the events dubbed 'Forever Evil'?" Slade Wilson made a remark about countermeasures and turned to what Orm assumed correctly was his heir "Ravager here is Rose Wilson, my", Slade paused for a moment, clearly uncomfortable about what he was about to say "daughter. As for the rest, they can account for themselves." Out of nowhere Wayne threw a projectile at Slade Wilson and vaulted at him. Wilson then fired a single bullet, somehow hitting the thrown object and causing it to hit the ground. Immediately after he placed his mask back on, he held his weaponry at Wayne "You know, the name Thomas Wayne is of great sentimental value to me. You best not dirty it", Wilson divulged. Orm decided that this scuffle had gone on too long and was about to interfere when the man with curved crudely obstructed before he could. "What the bloody'ell are you fuckers doing?" he exclaimed. "Th' names Captain Boomerang. Though I guess y' can call m' Digger Harkness." Harkness continued before showing everyone a feeble smile, he whimpered again. "er... please don't hit me." The Atlantean thought his dialect as bawdy and crass. While Harkness was distracting the rest of the group, Orm noticed the younger Wilson creeping behind Wayne and crossed her dual weapons over his neck and spoke "Can I remind everyone what complete crap this is?" Excellent, more crudeness. "Turn down the testosterone, back the fuck off, and lets all at least pretend to be normal ants under the magnifying glass here." Deciding that this needed to end if the team was to survive, at last Orm finally spoke, though not with his mouth, but rather through his Telepathy, connecting everyone in the room with an organic brain to a 'telepathic web'. "Repose yourselves, surface dwellers. I am Orm Marius, Master of Oceans, Son of Atalan, and Pariah of Atlantis! Look at us, we are not even in combat and you barbarians are already fighting among yourselves. Do you actually believe we will accomplish this mission with you tearing at each other like hungry sharks?"