Dani turned over in bed and slowly rose, much like a zombie. Shambling her way into a room off to the side with her eyes still closed, the 5 people in the other room heard a bunch of rummaging and shuffling, things being moved. Suddenly there was a huge *CRASH* followed by a voice "SON OF A FUCKING BITCHIN' FRIZZY!!!!!!!!", then a huge light like the sun erupted from the dark. "FOUND IT!" came as voice as the light died down into nothing and Dani came shambling back out like nothing happened, holding a long silver accented mahogany box. She tossed it to Griff. "Here. That should work. I think it was supposed to go to some whiny dick in the Marines, but he... decided to leave it. Do whatever you want to it on your own time. I own you right now, so I don't mind if you arm yourself. Everyone else is. You can just pay me back later. Oh, and just so you know, it utilizes magazines for reloading. There are five in the box in addition to the one already equipped. You need to modify those as well" She said, crawling back into bed...