[b]Name:[/b] Laurena d'Olson [b]Age: [/b] 28 [b]Gender: [/b] Female [b]Race: [/b] Human [b]Class: [/b] Water Mage [b]Appearance: [/b] Laurena stands at 5'7" (1.7m) and features a lean build with a hint of musculature hiding underneath. She has shoulder length brown hair to match her eyes, which often have a sleepless look lingering in them. Laurena's skin is rather light, though not to the point of sickliness, due to spending many hours indoors working on some project or another. Her face is rather unremarkable, and although well kept through magic, it still reflects her pale demeanor. While travelling, she wears pristine tan trousers with one of several monotone, dark colored shirts, the specific color often based off which is closest at hand upon waking. [b]Personality: [/b] Laurena is a generally happy, if somewhat reserved person. Her main driving force is curiosity, and it's reflected in all her actions, sometimes to the point of recklessness. Laurena's thoughts are fast and tend to bounce from subject to subject, with the exception being things, or people, she finds particularly interesting. On such topics, she can acquire an almost obsessive interest in, sometimes spending days researching until her body reminds her it needs things like food, and sleep. Although generally nice, Laurena lacks a strong moral compass. She also tends to be lazy, looking for simple ways to do tasks she considers tedious. Laurena is a very neat person, liking to keep her space clean and organized, although these considerations can be thrown to the wayside if a sufficiently interesting project shows itself. As her powers work best with solid or liquid water, she prefers cold, humid environments, and will work to bring colder weather to an area if she thinks she will stay there for some time, despite any adverse effects on local farmers. [b]Backstory: [/b] Laurena was born and raised in the town of Gidesa, middle of nowhere Velt. The town had a thriving trade with farmed goods, but little else to bring its name far and wide, due to perennial drought which plagued the area. Laurena was fortunate enough to be born to a moderately wealthy family, giving her the freedom to learn of dull things such as managing land, or crop rotation, but also of far more fascinating things, such as anatomy, how to read the weather, and the wondrous things that magic could do. The prospects of power and mystery that magic offered drove her curiosity. Eventually, through a mixture of luck, and pilfered allowances, an adolescent Laurena received her first bits of training in magic through a travelling hedge witch. Although finally learning an inkling of her much sought after subject, the witch's teachings left a bitter taste with Laurena. The witch had known how to [i]use[/i] magic, but had little idea of how it [i]worked[/i]. Laurena's questions of magical theory, of the why and how, earned her nothing but ire from her teacher. Eventually, knowing little more than when she started, and aware of the prejudice against those not properly trained, Laurena's lessons with the witch ended, and she set out with a new goal: To learn at the Mage's College in Meridan. Magic soon became an obsession of Laurenas. What spending money she had was now funneled towards whatever books and tomes she could get her hands on. Any learning she could afford was bought as soon as offered. Of those, her favourite was "Principles of Water Manipulation for the Journeyman Magician" by Jenisten Reynolds. Though there were many things the book assumed she knew it gave very detailed descriptions of how water interacted with almost anything else, and in a few years time, she knew it's words by heart. Laurena's parents, however, were not so fond of her obsession with magic. They had intentions of her becoming a healer for the town, at least after it had become apparent she was hopeless in managing their lands. A healer was another, good, respectable position. Magic however, was dangerous, and unknown, and while a passing interest was respectable, they did not like how serious Laurena was taking the subject. After gentler methods at discouraging her investigations proved futile, they forced Laurena to destroy her precious books. This did nothing to discourage her investigations, but rather to grasp more desperately at whatever options were presented. Such were conditions when six months later, when a young mage from the college came visiting to town, and presented a possible solution. Though the journey took longer, and wasn't as glamorous as intended, it did eventually get her to the mages college in Meridan. Once there, the finally was able to work on satiating her curiosity. [b]Equipment: [/b] Laurena carries no weapons on her person - why should she need to, with the power of water at her hands? Instead, she carries several small pouches containing pure water, allowing her something to work with in dry conditions. Laurena also carries several small pouches of chemicals when travelling, as well as several empty ones, to hold any interesting substances found along the way. Although she has some training as a surgeon, she carries no tools, as most can be fashioned by freezing water, or in some cases, even her patient's blood. [b]Abilities: [/b] Laurena can invoke control over water, once the spell is cast the fluids act almost like an extension of her body. Her powers primarily revolve around pure water, although other liquids can be influenced if they have water in them. Her precision and control deteriorates the more contaminated the water is. Fortunately, she is also capable of separating water from [i]other[/i] substances that may make it impure. Laurena can also change waters state, from solid to liquid to gas, although it becomes more difficult to control as it becomes more energetic. The greater the temperature difference between the surroundings and her transformed water, the more energy it takes to keep it in its state. (ex: Ice is very difficult to keep ice inside a volcano.) Laurena knows how to create longer lasting magic, which she has used to automate some more monotonous tasks, such as laundry, in the past. This often requires rituals and a great deal of effort, scaling as the complexity of the task increases. The interactions can also become fairly complex, such as using multiple sets of spells to affect local weather, although weather is a rather complex subject, and can be easy to bring unintended consequences. [b]Other: [/b] Strong swimmer, hates running. Doesn't like oils.