"I know I'm not fat, so it doesn't bother me none. It helps to call someone fat when they're actually, you know, fat." Defending the fact he had called some lady fat wasn't the best of things to do, but Takeshi was much too stubborn to let Shu think he was in the right. If nothing else the older boy had just been honest, not his fault the lady couldn't handle a bit of honesty. If he'd said she looked good then she might think he was lying and get even more upset, so how was he supposed to win at that? Watching as Shu went back to devouring his food he rolled his eyes, glancing down at his own empty plate. Huh, so he'd eaten everything and not even realized it, bummer. There was more food but honestly he was done for now, he'd wait until they got something back on the ship. Making one last ditch effort at explaining how things weren't in place for their needs Takeshi gave up, finding that he wasn't getting his point across to Shu. He wasn't wrong, the little guy, but that wasn't what he was getting at. The way his brother had been saying it was almost like everything was there solely for him, which obviously was not the case. "Hey, home wasn't all cushy either! I had to steal food and a lot of what I used to have because I didn't have money. My house was really empty for a long time, you know. The stuff you get to enjoy now is all stuff I had to bust my butt for, you know. So my life wasn't exactly a cakewalk either." The Saiyans certainly were peculiar little creatures, though if they had befriended T'charrl they were alright. Odd to think how different they could be too, just looking at the contrast between Shu and Takeshi in particular. They were brothers according to everything Eslaria knew, and yet looking between them even now she was hard pressed to see it. Some similarities in the face perhaps, but aside from that little else. It was difficult to tell one way or another, and she couldn't even begin to imagine what the rest of their race must look like. "After seeing what you're capable of I doubt they would kill the children," the Queen explained, frowning as she folded her arms, "Speaking purely from a strategic point of view, this isn't my personal opinion, but someone with your abilities would be essential if fighting broke out. Unless the leaders of the other kingdoms are absolute morons I'm sure they've realized this by now, and are probably being a little more accepting of the unique children." This was all provided that the leaders even knew of these children, which there was a fair chance they didn't. T'charrl had been kept from the public for quite some time in regards to his powers, and it was a safe bet the others were too. Not only then would they need to somehow be granted entry into other kingdoms, but then they would have to locate the gifted child, or perhaps children. "If you don't want their lives threatened then it may come to violence, or intimidation at the very least," Eslaria said plainly, looking over at her son, "If anyone wants to harm these children then we'll need to protect them, and if it comes to a fight then so be it." "Of course... Fighting isn't our only course of action," Yusef added, smiling at T'charrl, "Politics isn't my area of expertise, but I'd bet we could negotiate something. If the children are allowed to train under you, or your friends and learn their powers I don't imagine the leaders would mind. Especially not if we let them go back home afterwards." That proposal was a double-edged sword, but it might be the best option they had. Should the children be allowed to train then they would be accepted by someone, perhaps be happier for it all while learning to control and hone their power. The flip side of the matter was they would be making veritable weapons for other kingdoms, weapons which may come back to haunt them some day. Their only hope in that regard was that the children would be grateful for the help and never use their abilities for any malicious purposes, though it was impossible to guarantee such a thing. Setting his empty plate to the side Yusef folded his hands together on the table, letting out a sigh before shaking his head. "I really don't like the idea of taking these children from their homes and training them, but it may be for the best. And though I don't think violence is going to help us any, showing a little muscle could help in persuading our fellow leaders abroad into cooperating." Yumi couldn't answer whether she wanted a family for herself or not, at least not just yet. She was still young and there was a lot she wanted to do, so raising children sort of fell way to the wayside for now. It seemed like a nice enough thing, albeit she'd never cared for a child before so it would certainly be an experience. Why was Viral asking about having a family of all things? It seemed a touch unusual, as he didn't tend to ask personal questions like that. Maybe he was just curious, or trying to find something to keep his mind off of something else. To that end she didn't mind answering questions, but it did raise one for Yumi in turn. She had to ask it back, whether Viral had ever wanted a family or not; Beastmen were artificial, yes, so maybe they couldn't have families in the traditional sense, but nothing was stopping more from being created for Viral. Getting closer as to keep the question between them she prodded him for an answer, smiling bemused at the flustered response given. "Why are you getting so defensive over it? It's a simple yes or no question," Yumi teased, giggling as she folded her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Why would you want a family? Same reason anyone does, I guess. To have someone around, to raise a kid, just to try it? If I was going to have a family it'd be to raise a kid and teach them things, but that's just me. What about you?"